Chapter 5

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The rest of the day went by quickly. I helped Zayn through the rest of it, sticking close to him. We just had gym, world history and our pop culture class after lunch. I was pretty good at all those topics, my only hard subject was my math. It was just a shitty subject and I just wanted to get out of it, but my mom said I needed it for college and stuff.

My last class I had with Harry, Brittany and Ollie. I hadn't seen Liam since this morning and he had skipped pop culture. Ollie had a lot to say about that which was what most of our hour was spent on.

Harry was now saying goodbye to Ollie because we had to get to practice. I swear these two sucked face more than any two people I had ever met.

"So I'll meet you outside the locker room. I'm sure your practice will go longer then my sketching," Zayn told me.

"Yeah you can go and sit down in the bleachers when you get done, so you don't have to stand the whole time. Coach sometimes keeps us late," I usually had to leave if he did. Coach knew about my family situation so he was fine if I suddenly sprinted off.

"Yeah I'll work on some of my homework then, I'm not really into sports. As you probably got from gym," I laughed at his comment. Gym had been interesting today because we had to play cricket and let's just say Zayn had a hard time hitting the ball.

"Hey you weren't that bad. I mean our team did win in the end," I said trying to make him feel better.

"Probably because you were on my team and kept scoring for us," it was true I had tried harder today because I had forced the captain to pick Zayn from the line up.

"Hey Lou you ready to go?" Harry said rushing over. His lips were swollen and his hair was even messier than usual.

"You done trying to explore every inch of your girlfriends mouth?" I said to him. He stuck his tongue out at me before pulling me under his arm ruffling my hair.

"We'll see you later Zayn," Harry called back to him and he shuffled us towards the locker room. He still had his arm around my shoulder when we entered. "So you and Zayn have a little study date tonight I here."

"It's not a date and I wish you and Ollie would leave it alone. I mean she's the one that wanted me to show him around. He's helping me with math what's the big deal," I said trying to get around the fact that I had a massive crush on him. But who wouldn't he was funny, charming, sweet, and he was fucking hot.

"Lou, Liam has been trying to tutor you all year, and you never accepted his help," Liam was the last thing I wanted to talk about right now.

"Liam's hard to learn from he gets more frustrated trying to help me then I do trying to learn it. Maybe Zayn's approach will help," it was a lie. Yes I wanted to hang with Zayn more but that wasn't the whole truth. No one knew this not even Harry, but after my ex had cheated on me Liam had come over and we kind of had sex. Well not kind of we did and it was great, but afterwords it was like it never happened. We never spoke about it again even when we just hung out the two of us.

"Hey wheres Payno," Niall said coming to sit on the bench that was by Harry's and mines lockers.

"Haven't seen him since he ran off at lunch and then skipped pop culture," Harry said sliding his practice jersey over his head.

"Yeah Britt said something about that. She then went on to tell me about how Ollie complained the rest of the hour. I kind of got to agree with her though I would never let Britt sit there and say that stuff to anyone, especially in front of you Lou," I gave Niall an appreciative smile. Niall was like the brother I never had. He always stuck up for me but I was more protective over him. He had a learning deficiency when we were younger that kids made fun of. I once kicked a kid on the playground for calling him a retard. Once he got on the right medicine and got some outside help from the school he got better at learning.

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