Chapter 3

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I showered quickly since practice had gone over a little bit. Coach had us run some new plays to see if we could handle some higher level stuff. We did pretty well but I'm exhausted right now. I wish I had this class later on in the day because now I have to stay awake through the rest of my class. Then I had practice after school and then picking up my sister. It would be awhile before I could get some sleep. Like most nights I would maybe get five hours tops.

I walked out the locker room to see Ollie and Zayn leaning against the wall. Harry walked out behind me pulling Ollie into his arms and kissing her. I saw the blush rise to her checks as some of out teammates came out and made cat calls at the two. Zayn rolled his eyes sending me a wink. I was slightly confused by him to say the least. First he told me to avoid him now he was flirting.

"Zayn you ready to get to math," I tried to seem pleasant but I hated math. I was bloody awful at it. I thought taking another year of math would help me out next year at UNI but it didn't. I was barely passing right now and was stressed from the homework. I liked my teacher Mr. Hoffman but his class sucked.

"Yeah let's go so I don't have to watch these two suck face anymore," Zayn smirked following me as I began walking. The class was right around the corner which was nice when I was running late. I walked in introducing Zayn to Mr. Hoffman. After he was given his book and told what was going on I walked over to my desk pointing for Zayn to sit next to me. Liam came running in right before the bell rang. He gave me a weird look seeing as Zayn was in his seat.

"Liam can you sit behind me today since he's new here," Liam nodded plopping down in the seat behind me. We didn't have assigned seats in here because we all worked in groups and moved around. Once Mr. Hoffman went over what we learned last night we turned our desks into a circle. I introduced Liam and Zayn quickly before setting to work.

"So I might have already learned this stuff," Zayn says as we opened our books.

"Really how?" Liam asks giving Zayn a weird look.

"I took this class at my old school and we were a little ahead of you guys. It was like an independent study. I think all the teacher did was babysit us and grade tests," he said pulling out his notebook and calculator.

"Well maybe you can help me out then because I'm lost," I told him. He sent me a smile pushing his desk closer to mine. I saw Liam smile over at me as Zayn showed me how to find the area of a cone on a graph. He explained it in a way I understood. I probably would have gotten all of it had I not been staring a Zayn's pink lips the whole time. I wondered how they would feel against mine. Would he be a forceful kisser or was he more tender? I bet it felt nice when his scruff brushed against me. Class seemed to end a lot quicker then usual and Zayn and I walked back to my locker.

"So I was talking to Ollie earlier and she said that she and I should switch lockers since mine is next to Harry's," he told me. I was fine with that would make it easier for us to get around.

"Yeah that's a good idea. Then I don't have to deal with them making out all the time," I joked pulling out my stuff for sociology with Mr. Radcliffe. We sprinted to his locker before walking in and taking our seats. Zayn had to sit across the room from me since I was sat between Liam and Harry.

"So are you going to ditch me like that everyday now," Liam said glaring at me.

"What do you mean?" Liam and I never walked together to class.

"I was kind of left out in math earlier," he complained now glaring at Zayn.

He hadn't seem to have had a problem while we were in class.

"Li you get this stuff a lot more than me. He was just helping me out," I defend sending Zayn an apologetic look. He seemed confused on why my friend was glaring at him.

"Staring at his mouth is not learning Louis. I mean do you really want to get involved with someone like him," I felt anger talk over me at the way he was talking. Liam was never one to be a snob but he also didn't like change.

"Liam give him a break. It's a crush and Zayn's a nice guy once you get to know him. I think he would be good for Lou," I was grateful for Harry right now.

"Harry you should hear what people have been saying about him, and he's only been hear for a couple hours," I knew that one. I had overheard in the locker-room the other guys talking about the new kid. I thought girls gossiped but guys might be worse.

"I remember when I told everyone I was gay. Remember how that went Liam and how people talked about me. You stuck by my side then so give him a chance," I said before getting up and going to sit with Zayn. Today we were supposed to be doing a group project so I guess Zayn was now my group.

"What was going on over there?" Zayn asked I sat.

"Liam was jealous that I ditched him for you," I told him forcing a smile. I didn't want him to know he was causing a problem between my friend and I his first day.

"Oh is he an ex or something," Zayn asked his voice deeper than before.

"No Liam's as straight as a pole. He just doesn't like change," I explained to him. We went over our ideas and come up with a plan for the project. I ignored Liam when he tried to get me to wait up for him after to class. I just walked with Zayn to lunch.

Lunch was not going to be fun since I sat with Liam and the rest of the guys. I hoped no one would say anything to him. I didn't want him running away again.

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