Chapter 9

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I felt overly warm as I began to wake up. I’m never this warm unless Harry is sleeping over and he shares a bed with me. Harry never keeps on his own side of the bed, and he is like a super heater. I opened my eyes to be met with a head of thick dark hair. It startled me for a second before I realized it was just Zayn. I smiled cuddling up closer to him. His legs were slotted together with mine and his head was rested on my chest as he slept deeply. I tried to kick the blankets off subtly, but I ended up just tangling up in them more. I gave up and just enjoyed snuggling with Zayn. Well until I felt my phone vibrate from under my pillow.

I told you! XD

I looked over to see Harry smiling at me wiggling his eyebrows. I grumbled under my breath turning away from him and more towards Zayn. Stupid Harry and his stupid need for me to get laid. I mean why does he even care. It’s not his body that hasn’t had sex in over six months. He needs to worry about his own life sometimes, but I know it’s just because he cares. I feel Zayn start to move around so I enjoy my last couple minutes being snuggled with him.

“Good Morning Lou,” Zayn mumbled groggily snuggling his face more into my chest. I almost died from his morning voice.

“Morning,” I said trying not to sound affected. I swear if I got a boner right now from his voice I would just dig myself my own grave.

“You are one comfy pillow babe,” I couldn’t stop the smile spreading onto my face as he called me that.

“Well thanks for calling me fat”.

“I’m not calling you fat babe I’m just calling you comfy,” he mumbled looking up at me through his long eyelashes. God this boy was too gorgeous for his own good.

“Still don’t think that’s a complement,” I said under my breath.

“Are you always this difficult in the morning?” he asked.

“I’ve never really been a morning person,” it was true. My mom has always complained about getting me up in the morning.

“That’s not good then because nether am I,” I chuckled at his statement.

“Guess we shouldn’t talk in the morning’s then,” I was suddenly saddened by what I had just said. I wanted to talk to Zayn in the morning though. I wanted to talk to Zayn all day everyday.

“How about we make a deal to never bring up anything important in the mornings?” Zayn offered.

“Sounds like a good deal to me,” as long as I still got to talk to you.

“I probably should get going,” Zayn said untangling himself from me.

“What why?” I rushed out not wanting him to leave.

“Because I have to get everything ready for our date,” Zayn stated like I already should have known this.

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