Chapter 1

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"Harry what is taking your girlfriend so long this morning? Seriously I'm going to be late for class," I complained to him pulling out my stuff for my English class.

"Her cousin starts today, so she's probably helping him out," he told me looking down the hallway for Ollie. It was cute the way he waited for her. He was really into that romantic stuff, always bringing her flowers, chocolates, or notes saying how much he loved her or how beautiful she was. He believed they were like soul mates or something. I had a very different outlook on love. Probable because I had been cheated on by my ex boyfriend about eight times before I finally caught him doing it. He told me that I was lying and was making stuff up every time I would bring it up to him. Turns out I was right and that was the end of he and I.

"Well she needs to hurry. Mrs. Timm will kill me if I'm late again," I tended to be late if I had an early practice. Football was stressful but it was what I'm good at and wanted to do the rest of my life. All though a homosexual footie player wasn't popular, I was hoping people would be more accepting when I was old enough to play professionally.

I saw her blonde hair round the corner as she bounded towards us. She wrapped an arm around Harry's waist as she came to stand by my locker.

"Sorry the lady in the office was being a bitch and was giving Zayn the run around," she said placing a kiss on Harry's lips. She opened her locker pulling out her stuff for English since she had it with me.

"So where is the delinquent anyway?" Harry asked her.

"Don't call him that, and he's putting his stuff in his locker it's over by Niall's," she said putting her bag into her locker. Her locker looked much different then mine. It was covered with pictures of her and Harry, and some of her with her friends Brittany and Ana. Mine had a picture of the soccer team and then some of my my mom and sisters. Mine was also a complete mess while hers was spotless. She hated mine being so messy and everyone once in awhile she would clean it for me.

"Oh does he have any classes with us?" Harry asked. They had all of their classes together. That would have driven me crazy to be with my partner all the time. They seemed to like to spend all of their time together though.

"Um he had two with us but I pretty sure he has like five with you Louis," great now I was stuck with some pot smoking criminal. I knew she was going to ask me to show him around. "Louis would you be a doll and show him around?"

"Olli are you sure that's a good idea. I mean I don't even know anything about him other than he's gets in trouble a lot," I was trying to get out of helping him out. I was way to lazy to show someone else's cousin around.

"Please I mean you have classes with him, and it would be a lot easier if you just showed him where his classes are. He's really shy and once you get to know him he's really nice," I still didn't want to help him out. I liked my friends and was not into change.

"I have a lot on my plate right now I don't think I can add one more thing," I saw a smile form on her lips and I knew she had found a way to hook me.

"He's really hot," she cooed trying to convince me.

"Why would that change anything. Just because he's hot doesn't do anything for me," I found a lot of guys hot heck I found Harry hot, but he was more friend hot then potential boyfriend hot.

"He's into guys and girls Lou," she told me smirking. I was just about to make some snide comment when I heard someone speak from behind me.

"Who likes guys and girls," I heard a deep voice say. I turned around to see who I could only assume to be Ollie's cousin. They had similar characteristics with the defined cheekbones and honey brown skin tone. His dark fluffy hair and thick eyelashes offset his sharp features. He was dressed in all black showing many of his tattoos that littered his arms. He looked to be carved from the gods, and I quickly decided I was going to show him around now.

"I was just telling Louis here a little bit about you Zayn," Ollie said sending me a wink.

"Oh well your wrong I'm mostly into guys now. Girls have to much drama and they whine about their episodes way to much, no offense," Zayn told her laughing when she rolled her eyes.

"Ollie shouldn't we all be getting to class?" Harry asked. I could tell he felt a little out of the loop in this conversation.

"That's a good idea since I don't need to be late the first day. I already have a bad enough reputation already," Zayn joked. He seemed to have a good sense of humor. For someone who claims to be a bad ass he seemed sweet.

"Oh Zayn I forgot to introduce you. This is my boyfriend Harry and this is Louis," I could see the look she gave him. She was like mentally telling him that I was gay. I could see in the way she looked at him when she said my name that she had talked about me earlier. I was pretty good and judging people, and sensing what they have been talking about. Like when my parents said they were separating I knew it was coming.

"Yeah Lou here's going to show you around since you to have some classes together," Harry said pulling me under his arm and ruffling my hair. I shoved him away fixing my hair into it's normal fringe.

"Hey you arse I never agreed to that," I said rolling my eyes. I knew there was no way I wasn't going to show this fit guy around.

"I would really appreciate it. The only person I know here is Ollie and I don't really want to spend all my time with her. I do have a reputation to uphold and hanging out with a pansy like her will surely ruin it," Ollie smacked his shoulder at his comment as we all laughed. So far he seemed to be fitting into our group nicely.

"Yeah I'll show you around. Would make more sense since we have classes together. Let me see your schedule," he handed it over to me. I glanced down and saw that Ollie was right we had five out of six classes together. The only difference was I had my first of two gym classes and he had an art class.

"Alright now we really have to get to class," Harry said as the last bell rang. We walked quickly to class apologizing to Mrs. Timm as we entered. I went to my set in the middle of the room putting my stuff down in the seat next to me. Liam had originally sat next to me until he had to switch because his parents had wanted him in a higher level English. Now he was barely passing A.P. Lit. We had all gotten to hear how awful that class was. Liam was not a reader so we all knew he would hate that class, including his parents.

"Lou is it alright of I sit by you? I would sit next to Ollie but I'm pretty sure her and Harry will just drive me insane," he said smiling at me. His teeth gleamed white behind his pink lips. He bite them slightly making me want to press my lips against his. This boy had no idea how attracted I was to him.

"Yeah that's fine. I know what you mean by sitting by them, that's why I sat up here away from them," I joked pulling my books onto my desk. He sat down sending me another smile. Mrs. Timm began her lesson telling is we were starting The Great Gatsby which didn't seem to bad. I had seen the movie because well Leonardo DiCapro was in it, and I've had a crush on him since I saw him in Titanic.

"I need you all to pair up and go over this survey together before we start the book. Once your done you can start on your homework of reading through chapter three by tomorrow," she told us moving towards her desk. Zayn moved his desk next to mine without even asking to be my partner. I didn't mind though wasn't like I could work with anyone else.

"Alright so the first question is are people's dreams sometimes destructive? Well from personal experience I know that is true. Some guys on my footie team will do a lot to get a full ride," I explained to him. We worked through the rest of the survey going back and fourth on what we thought about the questions. We finished with about ten minutes to start reading.

"Hey can I ask you something?" Zayn asked as I opened my book.

"Yeah," I would answer anything he asked me.

"Why is a guy like you being so nice to someone like me?" I had never been asked something like that. I knew how people would see him and how they would judge him by his appearance and what has been said about him. I knew the rumors and I knew buts and pieces of the truth from Ollie.

"It doesn't bug me that you have a record," I told him honesty. I mean it couldn't be that bad since he was allowed in this school. This was the nicest school in the area, so why would they let someone who actually was a criminal in.

"Well you should if you want to keep that reputation of yours," he said right before the bell rang. He walked out quickly before I could say anything else. This had to be the hour we didn't have together. Know what he said was going to bug me all of next hour.

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