Chapter 4

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I lead Zayn through the lunch lines telling him which food was good and what to avoid. I went for pizza while he went for a turkey and Swiss sub. I was nervous about leading him over to our table. Everyone was already sat there laughing about something.

Ollie was sat on Harry's lap playing with his curls while he ate a banana. Liam sat next to him with Anna next to him. Anna was best friends with Brittany who was Niall's girlfriend and also Ollie's best friend. Ollie and Anna hated each other though so it was always interesting at the table. Anna had started dating Liam right after Brittany introduced them. Brittany and Niall had been dating for about three years now. Unlike Harry and Ollie they fought often always bickering with each other. They loved each other though and pushed through their differences. Anna on the other hand was always trying to suck up to Liam. She did everything to please him which drove everyone nuts including him. She didn't seem to have a mind of her own, but Liam said she was different when we weren't around. I didn't know how someone could be with someone like that but Liam had been for awhile.

Brittany and Anna had been best friends for about six years, while Ollie and Britt had been friends since childhood. They've been a little distant lately since Anna has been coming between them more now. She was always starting stuff between them. I didn't really like Anna but I let it go because Liam was one of my best mates.

"Is there always this many people at your table?" Zayn asked.

"Actually we usually have more but Luke and Ashton have lunch detention for throwing food," it was kind of my fault they had gotten I trouble since I had thrown the food first.

"Oh I'm not really comfortable around a lot of people," he told me lowering his head.

"Well you can sit between Ollie and I so you can feel a little better," I told him pulling the seat out next to Ollie and putting his tray down. I sat next to him by Niall. Niall looked over Zayn, sending me a wink when he was done. I knew Niall would watch him closely since he knew I already had a crush on this guy.

"Everyone this is Zayn. Zayn this is Niall, Brittany, Anna and then you know Liam, Harry and Ollie," I introduced them.

"It's nice to meet you all," Zayn said giving a small smile. I saw Anna give him a dirty look and I knew this was going to be a tense lunch.

"So Lou are you going to stay after practice or do you have to leave again," Niall asked.

"I have to pick up my sister so I can't," I groaned. I wanted to practice more with the guys but I couldn't leave my mum hanging.

"You have sisters too?" Zayn asked me taking a bite of his sub.

"Yeah I have four, being the only guy is rough," I told him smiling at the thought. I would never admit the amount of times I have had to play dolls.

"Yeah I'm the only guy in my household too. Getting into the bathroom in the morning was impossible," I laughed thinking about the hours Lottie was in the bathroom in the morning. I always got up before her just to make sure I can shower before she starts doing her makeup and hair.

"Yeah it's not fun but I love them to death so what can you do. The only problem I ever have is when I am working on my maths and they start bugging me," I was stressing over my test I would have to take on Friday. I never did well on these things and I hated seeing all the red marks on my test and quizzes.

"I'm free after school if you need more help with that," he offered. I saw Ollie smile behind him nodding her head for me to say yes.

"I have practice after school and I have to pick up my sisters," I wanted his help but I had a lot to do before we could start.

"I don't mind waiting around I have nothing better to do. Also, I have to stay after for my art class to catch up on my painting," he told me putting a grape into his mouth.

"You lucky duck I wish I had art that teacher is hot," I heard Niall say. I knew he had been eavesdropping on our conversation. Niall was a very nosy individual.

"Niall!" Brittany shouted swatting his shoulder glaring at him.

"Not as hot as you babe," he said kissing her cheek. She rolled her eyes but smiled at him.

"I wouldn't know I'm not really into girls," Zayn said but I already knew this.

"Of course you don't," Anna said under her breath.

"What's that supposed to mean," Ollie said glaring at Anna. I felt Zayn tense beside me hearing the tone of Ollie's voice.

"I just mean that of course someone like him would be a faggot," she sneered. I saw Liam shift around whispering in her ear.

"Excuse me but I don't appreciate you using that word," when I had come out that word had been spray painted on my locker. I felt the anger growing from within me.

"I didn't mean you Lou," she said trying to fix her mistake.

"Um using a word like that to talk about homosexuals does include me. There is no difference between Zayn and I," I hated ignorant people.

"Yes there is I'm pretty sure you have never been in prison," she said. Liam had stood up leaving the table. He never said anything when she got like this, just let her act like this towards others. I didn't appreciate it but I knew it was because he knew saying anything wouldn't change her.

"I've never been to prison ether," Zayn said getting up from the table and storming away. I got up throwing away my pizza not even finishing it, I could grab something later. I caught up with Zayn grabbing his elbow.

"Hey don't listen to her she's a bitch," I told him. I could see his eyes watering a little at the bottom. I felt bad for him he didn't deserve to be treated like that.

"I should expect stuff like that it's just hard," he told me wiping his eyes. It figured that the bad boy would be a softy.

"No you shouldn't people should never stay stuff like that," I told him. We walked down the hall quietly while he calmed down. We went to gym together early because nether of us wanted to go back to the lunch table. I talked to coach and got him a gym uniform.

"Hey Lou thanks for sticking up for me," Zayn said before heading to his gym locker to put his stuff away. I was grateful I only had gym with Harry. I think if I saw Liam now I would kill my vocal chords from shouting so much.

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