An Unexpected Turn Of Events

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The evening seemed to drag for me, it was clear Jen was having a lot of fun with Frank though, he'd bought us two drinks and then when Jen dropped the subtle flirting and made it more obvious, he dragged her away to a booth and they spent some time alone. I bought myself a white wine spritzer and faced towards the door plotting my getaway. Jen won't even notice I'm gone. she's too busy with Frank to even detect me escaping. I had my exit route all figured out and was about to make a break for the door when I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

He was truly gorgeous, like a god. He was very tall, at least 6ft 2", and towered over my small 5ft 1" body. I imagined having to go up onto the tips of my toes to kiss him, and kiss him is what I wanted to do indeed! He wore crisp dark jeans and white top that was covered by a black leather jacket and a black and white houndstooth scarf that brought out his eyes, which of course I got lost in as soon as I saw them. They were a bright blue, but I'm sure I saw flecks of green and brown towards his pupils which were large and striking. I'm sure I recognised him from somewhere, but I couldn't figure it out.

"Hello, I couldn't help but notice you sitting alone when I walked in. I thought you could do with a bit of company?" He smiled and then I felt my legs turn to jelly, my god! That was the sexiest smile I'd ever seen on a man in my life! I found the barstool behind me and propped myself against it to take the pressure off my knees.

"I did come with my friend, but she's been... distracted" I gestured over towards the booth where Jen and Frank were squashed together, he was now nibbling on Jen's ear.

"Oh I see" he laughed "Well perhaps I should buy you a drink then, same again?" He said, pointing to my almost empty glass. He was still smiling at me and I found it very difficult to get any words out while he did.

"Actually, I'll just have a white wine this time. Thank you" I said before gulping the last of the spritzer and handing it to the bar man.

"You are very welcome. My name is Tom by the way."

From that moment on, the evening was full of conversation and giggling, on my behalf. Whenever Tom spoke, his thin lips moved seamlessly, and made me think about how great they would feel against my own. I couldn't help but gaze at him, taking in all of his perfect features. Every once in a while, he would brush his fingers through his short brown hair, it looked really soft and I kept getting the urge to touch it. But the best bit about him was how he never looked at me as a target for his next shag, yes I caught him glance at my body once or twice, but when he did, he never had that look in his eye that made me feel like a piece of meat he wanted to bang.

Suddenly the evening had become much more fun than I had originally thought it would be. Instead of getting drunk with the intention to drown my boredom while Jen got busy with Frank, I was instead having a great time finding out all about Tom and his background. He was very well spoken and charming, I could have sat and talked with him all night and I was especially glad that I hadn't tried to make my escape earlier that evening!

"So you have two sisters! That must have been difficult growing up with all the female problems and stuff" I teased.

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