All Plans Are A Go!

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"So that's the venue for both the ceremony and the reception, I've reserved a day for the cake tasting using the dates you gave that both Tom and you are avaliable. The invites have been made and all you both need to do is put the relevant names on and send them off. And last but definitely not least, you're dress fitting is at two o'clock this afternoon." Jen checked off the items on her list as she read them out to me. She chucked the notepad into her bag and scooped Harvey up off of his play mat and snuggling him on her lap.

"You are the best maid of honour anyone could ever have Jen! Thank you" I announced as handed her one of the two large glasses of wine. I know it's only eleven o'clock, but come on, the girl deserves it! She took it happily and had a large gulp from it before placing it on the coffee table and turning her attention back to her son. I took a sip from my glass and flicked through the bridal magazine.

"Aren't you supposed to be driving later?" she queried, despite her not looking at me, I knew the question was aimed at me. Who else would it be aimed at to be honest? Harvey wouldn't be driving!

"I decided we could get a taxi down there. Oh, remember that we're meeting Sarah and Emma first in the cafe opposite!" I only remembered because Emma had text me twenty seconds earlier.

*Still up for the pre dress tea? I'm really looking forward to seeing you in your dress, and super excited to try mine on! Still can get over the fact you want me and my sister as your bridesmaids!!!

Emma x*

"Speaking of the bridesmaids! What colour dresses do you want us to wear?" She asked chucking over another bridal magazie with bridesmaid dress ideas in it.

"I've been thinking to either have you all in a pale yellow or a dark purple. So what I'll do today is get you all to try on one dress of each colour and see which looks better on you." Jen smiled at my response, clearly happy that I wasn't panicking. Just yet anyway.


Emma and Sarah were waiting outside  the coffee shop when we pulled up in the taxi. As Jen stepped out the car, I immediately began introductions and the two sisters began to coo over Harvey. We walked into the coffee shop and ordered the relevant beverages. Sarah giggled at me when my order of Earl Grey was placed onto the counter, it was quite obvious that her little brother clearly had a large influence on me.

"So what's Tom up to today?" Emma asked after taking a long sip from her drink.

"I believe he is with Chris and Benedict trying on suits" I answered, checking my phone for the time, so I knew we wouldn't be late for our appointment.

"You believe? So he might not be trying on suits?" Sarah questioned,  her eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"Well you know what Chris and Ben are like. For all we know they could be planning a stag night instead. So I like to think they are doing as they were told and having their suits fitted" I chuckled in response, welcomed by the rest of the girls laughing too.


We finished up our drinks and headed across the street, into the bridal store. I was completely awestruck as I looked around and took in the sight of hundreds of beautiful white bridal gowns. Naturally the others were drawn to the bright colours of the bridesmaids dresses, instantly seeing which styles were their favourite. I walked along the dress racks, running my fingers over the various materials to decide what I liked most. When the assistant came out, she asked who the lucky lady was. I raised my hand and she dragged me towards the dressing room. I told her what kind of things I was looking for and within the space of five minutes she had left the changing room and returned with at least ten different dresses that all fitted my description. I had decided that Emma, Sarah and Jen would all wear a dark purple dress with a white ribbon that wrapped around them, just below their bust.

I changed in and out of various  dresses, leaving the dressing room to show the girls and ask their opinion. I was wlcomed by many different responses ranging from "No Piper, that one doesn't suit you" to "Darling, you look absolutely stunning in that one!". It took at least two hours to wittle my choices down to two. But by then I'd pretty much decided which one I wanted and slipped it back on, for one last time that day. For it's beauty, the dress I'd picked out was the simplest one out of the ten dresses I'd tried. It was a strapless, A line, Chiffon, pure white dress with a slight train at the back. There were no embelishments or patterns on the material, just a simple dark purple, silk ribbon that wrapped around my waist. And it was perfect. I stepped out of the dressing room and walked over to where the girls were standing, clearing my throat to get their attention. All three of the girls turned in unison to discover me standing in the perfect dress. Each of their jaws dropped and eyes widened at the sight of me.

"Pips, ohmygoshbabe! You look... you look... you. I have no words!" A small tear came to her eye, but she wiped it away quickly so that I wouldn't fuss over her. The same sort of responses also came from Emma and Sarah. The assistant coughed and I turned my attention to her.

"Are you sure you don't want another one, the one you have is just a little... plain" She screwed her nose up as she held another dress in her hand, offering it to me. I held my hands up to protest and refused to take it from her.

"No. This one is perfect, I love simple" I announced, looking over at Jen who smiled and bounced Harvey on her hip.

My phone started ringing from my handbag, the Avengers theme song blaring throughout the store. My cheeks blushed a very strong red as I made a dash for my bag, almost tripping on the dress, and fishing through the crap in my bag to get to it.

"Hello darling, what's up?" I answered, out of breath from my mad rush.

"I thought I'd call to let you know that we've finished up here and I'm on my way to the dress shop to come and pick you up. I've decided we're going away for the weekend" Tom announced out of nowhere. This wasn't like him to just do something on a whim... he had to plan it first, unless he already had planned it, but made me assume he hadn't.

"Bu... but... How do you know I'm not busy? What if I'm working?" I stuttered manically, he'd really caught me out this time.

"Because I looked at your calendar for this weekend and you're free. I hope you're nearly ready, I'll be there in ten minutes, just getting in the car now! I love you! Bye" With that he hung up, leaving me to wonder what the hell was going on.

"What was all that about?" Jen asked as she helped unzip my dress.

"Tom is taking me away for the weekend... but he hasn't told me where we're going or what he plans on us doing... I'm truly stumped. And then he just said goodbye and hung up before I got the chance to reply!" I noticed I'd gotten a little angry and my voice had raised significantly. What is happening?! What the hell has gotten into him?! I rubbed my forehead then pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed, something was definitely up and I hated not knowing.


Hey! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, sorry it wasn't great, I've been having very bad writers block at the moment, I know where I want this stroy to end up, but I just can't figure out how to put it all into words :S Anyway, thanks for reading, I deeply appreciate it. The next chapter will be here soon. Please don't hesitate to Vote and comment if you enjoyed it :) I'm happy to see that so many people are reading now..  never thought this story would do so well!! :D Thanks again!!! MUCH LOVE xoxox

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