Questions and Answers (Part One)

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Three months had passed since the incident with Andy. He had been taken straight into court and admitted twenty years for abuse. Tom still didn't think it was long enough but he made a promise to me that the day he was released, he'd help me get a restraining order so that he could never come near me again. I loved how protective Tom was over me, it was adorable.

I'd officially moved out of my apartment and into Tom's. I was shocked at how easily I settled in as well as how all of my things, minus the things he already had like the bed etc., fitted nicely without making the place look cluttered. Tom and I were snuggled on the sofa watching Iron Man when the phone rang, Tom tried to get off the sofa, but I playfully gripped to his waist tighter, refusing to let go. The phone continued to ring. To get me off, Tom started tickling me until I was a giggling mess on the floor and took that chance to jump off the sofa and grab the phone before it rang off.

"Hello?" he answered, slightly out of breath from tickling me. I climbed back onto the sofa and poked my tongue out at him, making him laugh.

"Oh hi Emma!.... yeah we're fine...... sure you can come over, is two o'clock tomorrow afternoon ok?.... mhmm.... do bring mum, I'm desperate for you both to meet Piper!" he looked over at me and winked when he said my name, making my heart jump.

"No, don't bring anything, I'll cook.... alright then.... Give my love to mum for me....see you tomorrow! bye" with that, he hung up and took two long strides over to the sofa, flinging his long legs over the top and landing with a thud. I layed down so my head was on his lap and he stroked my hair.

"I assume you heard my sister is coming over tomorrow for dinner? She's bringing mum too" he said quietly as we continued watching the film, I wasn't really concentrating on Robert's performance though, I was too distracted by Tom's soft hands caressing my face. I nodded in response to his question, letting him know I'd heard what he'd said, my eye lids getting heavy, before drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

I woke up in bed with the covers wrapped around me. Tom had undressed me and slipped me into my pyjamas before pulling the duvet up to my shoulders, I could feel myself blushing at his incredibly adorable action. I looked up at the clock and saw it was eleven o'clock. Tom hadn't come to bed yet so I got up and went downstairs to find him. I crept down the last few steps and found him in the living room, staring into the mirror and talking to himself. Oh Thomas, you adorable, crazy fool. He caught a glimpse of me in the reflection and turned around faster than you could say the word pudding. His cheeks suddenly went very red and he glanced down at the floor.

"You know, they say talking to yourself is the first sign of madness" I teased as I made my way towards him, he looked up and threw his head back laughing his adorable "ehehehe" laugh, then he groaned and looked down at the floor again, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

"Oh god, you didn't hear any of that did you?" he raised his eyebrow before meeting my gaze with his gorgeous blue pools.

"No I didn't, buy I'd like to hope you were telling yourself how wonderful I am" I pinched at his sides and winked at him, his smile returned and my knees weakened.

"Something like that" he chuckled under his breath, just audible for me to hear, although part of me guessed I wasn't supposed to hear it because he blushed when I smiled at his answer. I pushed up onto my toes and kissed the tip of his nose. His eyes flicked up and met mine trapping me in his gaze. Tom wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him, before resting his lips onto mine. The kiss was completely different to any of the other kisses I'd shared with him. It was more tender and loving, he was extremely gentle with me, like I was a china doll that would break beneath him if he was too rough. the kiss told me that he loved me without him even having to utter a single word. I knew I'd found the one, and I was glad it was Tom.

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