Good Morning

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I awoke the next morning with Tom's arms wrapped around me and our legs entwined beneath the soft white bed sheets. A soft, cool breeze entered through the open window followed by the enchanting sound of birdsong. I snuggled closer to Tom, laying my head on his bare chest as carefully as I could, trying not to wake him, and listened to the steady heartbeat that came from his chest beneath my ear. I spotted the now empty bowl that had  contained the chocolate mousse from the night before and chuckled to myself as I replayed last night's events in my mind, I'll never think of pudding in the same way again.

 Slowly and gently I ran the tip of my finger along the various lines of his body from his collar bone right down to his naval, taking in all the sights of his torso. I watched him as he slept, he looked at peace. The sun shone in through the window, lighting up one half of his face allowing shadows to appear, highlighting his cheekbones. I moved my hand up to his face and began stroking his cheek softly, then continued my way up towards his hair, twisting the small curls around my finger. Tom's eyes fluttered open to look at me. Until that moment, I had never realised just how gorgeous his eyes were. They captured the beauty of a thousand blue Topazes. I forgot how to breath for a moment while he looked at me with his blue pools that I seemed to get lost in. I finally began to breathe again when the corners of his mouth lifted into a smile causing small creases to form at the corners of his eyes, making my stomach tighten like it had done the evening before. He leant down and kissed my forehead before pulling me tighter into him and stroking the small of my bare back with his fingertips, causing me to drift back into a peaceful slumber.


 Rolling over and finding the space in the bed next to me was empty, I shot up into a sitting position panicking that the previous night had been a dream, only to find I was still in Tom's bed, still naked with the crisp white sheets still wrapped around me. I breathed a sigh of relief and swung my legs out of the bed, searching the room for any sign of my clothes from the evening before. No such luck. Instead I picked up Tom's shirt that had been thrown onto the floor next to the bed, slipping it on and buttoning it up to cover my body, then rolled the sleeves up to my elbows seeing as they were far too long for my short arms.

I crept down the stairs following the smell of bacon that came from Tom's kitchen. I poked my head around the door to see Tom dressed in jogging bottoms and a light grey t-shirt, humming to himself as he cooked the breakfast. I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and nuzzling my face into his back, making him jump slightly. This made me giggle.

"Good morning darling" He smiled as he pulled me from behind him and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Did you sleep well?" He kissed the top off my head before releasing me to serve the food onto our plates and placing them onto the table.

"I did indeed. All thanks to you" I replied with a wink, and I'm sure I saw him blush slightly before taking a sip of his tea.

"So what's the plan for today?" I announced trying not to focus on his now pink cheeks.

"I was thinking that I could take you out shopping to get a nice outfit for tonight" He said with a smirk once he'd seen the confused expression on my face

"And where would that be Thomas?" I said, one eyebrow raised, he smiled.

"Just a little get together a friend of mine is having, that's all"

I got up from my seat and collected the plates up from the table, taking them over to the sink to wash them up. I could feel Tom's eyes on me as I did so. When I'd finished, I turned around, catching him staring. He looked away but just not fast enough.

"I'm going for a shower" he stated.

"Join me?"


Tom dropped me at my apartment so I could run up to change into some new clothes and drop off my things from the previous day, before we drove into London to buy my new outfit. We ended up in the changing rooms of Harvey Nicholls as I tried on countless dresses for the party that evening. Although Tom said I looked beautiful in whatever I wore, it still took me an age to decide which one was perfect... and within my price range.

I finally decided on the dress I wanted being sure to hide it from Tom as I exited the changing room.

"Can I not see it?" he questioned, pouting his lips and throwing me a pair of adorable puppy dog eyes.

"No. I want it to be a surprise" I answered, linking my arm through his as we walked over to the checkout.

As I placed the hidden dress onto the counter and dug through my bag to get my purse, Tom nudged me out of the way and slid his card into the assistant's hand.

"It's on me darling" he whispered, pushing the purse back into my bag. I tried to protest but he silenced me with a soft kiss on my lips.

"Ok" I said stubbornly.

"But only if I'm allowed buy the shoes to go with it."

He chuckled his lovable "Ehehehe" agreeing to my proposition, then walked me into the shoe department.


New chapter coming soon! Thanks for reading! I dont know about you, but I can't even wait to write what happens next, I have it all set out in my head, now I just need to put it into words *crosses fingers*

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