A Very Different Kind Of Vacation

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A/N: I know I don't normally start a chapter with an author's note, but I thought it should be best to for this one. Purely because I want to send out a warning that a scene within this chapter gets a little steamy and if this kind of thing makes you uncomfortable then this is my heads up! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy, and if you do, please don't hesitate to vote :D xoxox


"Passengers of the flight from London that landed at JFK International airport yesterday at noon were shocked to find themselves being welcomed by not one but seven of the biggest movie stars in the business at the moment. These seven stars were: Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston, Scarlett Johansson and Mark Ruffalo. Reporters at the scene tell us that never before have so many celebrities been spotted in one place at exactly the same time. However, what shocked us most was that these celebs had in fact been waiting for one of the passengers on that plane. This un named brunette in the footage was seen to be running towards the group and... wait for it... throwing herself at Tom Hiddleston. The embrace between the couple involved some heavy smooching, which had the entire crowd in applause as well as leaving us with many unanswered questions! Stay tuned for more info"

I flicked off the TV and let out a groan as I saw myself catapult into Tom's arms. I recalled the events from the day before in my mind over and over again. What I did seemed really romantic at the time but after looking at the footage, I looked more like a flailing mess. So much for keeping the relationship quiet. I reached over to the table and grabbed the warm mug on the table and drank what was left of the tea Tom had made me before going for a shower. He'd offered for me to join him but I turned down the offer to catch up on any news I'd missed, it was only after I turned on the tv that I wished I'd agreed to the shower.

With a grunt, I got up off the sofa and made my way to the bathroom. I could still hear the water running so pushed the bathroom door open slowly and poked my head around. The room was warm from the steam that had risen above the curtain rail. However the shower curtain was pointless because you could pretty much see through it, not that I was complaining. Thanks to the light above the shower, it meant that Tom's shadow was clearly visible from my side, and because the curtain had gotten wet with the splash of the water, it had started to go slightly see through, exposing every inch of his body and making my view even nicer. I bit my lip as I started making my way over towards where Tom was, my cheeks getting hotter with every step I took. I reached out and pulled at the curtain slowly, seeing that Tom was facing away from my direction I slipped in behind him quietly, mentally thanking myself for wearing my vest and shorts, allowing me to avoid too much material sticking to me once the water started hitting me.

I stood still, watching the droplets of water cascade over the muscles on his back. I was so desperate to reach out and touch his body, but I wanted to admire him as he was for as long as possible. But I couldn't hold myself back for long. My arm rose slowly from my side, the tip of my forefinger just millimeters away from the curve of his neck. My breath hitched as I marvelled at the beauty of the naked man infront of me, and he was mine for as long as I wanted him. He let out a quiet gasp and then shivered as my finger finally made contact with his warm, wet skin and traced it's way down his spine. Tom didn't move, he just stood there, allowing me to touch him and take in all the curves of his body. When he finally couldn't take any more he turned around to face me. His eyes were darker than usual, filled with passion, desire and pure lust. My finger continued to brush over his body, starting from his collar bone right down to below his naval where he drew in a short breath. Pleased to see what I was doing to him, I continued in the same direction, drawing my finger down his length and back up again, watching his face as I did so. He rolled his head back slightly and gripped his bottom lip between his teeth, allowing a moan to escape.

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