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Scenario: So Kenzie's just chilling out in her house, not doing anything but watching MacGyver and NCIS. Her phone rings and she picks it up, seeing Liza was trying to Facetime her. She answered the call, only after the third time Liza's tried to call. Now Kenzie has food with her and she flips out when her best friend is with her favourite drummer, Ashton Irwin.

Kenzie laid on the couch lazily, staring up at the TV. The big white letters on the TV read Netflix, which was one of Kenzie's favourite ways to watch old shows. She slowly got off the couch, walking into the kitchen to grab an apple.

Kenzie walked back out, grumbling how she'd rather be with her best friend right now. "Damn Liza. Always has fucking plans with Luke." Kenzie's best friend had been the girlfriend of a popular singer in a band. Luke Hemmings, singer for Five Seconds Of Summer, has been Kenzie's friend for a while but stopped talking to him.

Now she sits alone, eating her apple and watching NCIS on Netflix, hoping one day she'd reunite with her old friend and get his drummer to fall for her.

Meanwhile, Liza wasn't actually hanging out with Luke at all. He was sick and Liza had planned to attempt at skyping her best friend. The only difference this time was that Kenzie's crush, Ashton Irwin, was with Liza. Liza knew Kenzie was friends with Luke before they stopped talking. Kenzie had grown to love her old friend's music, more in particular his drummer though.

"I still can't believe you've managed to fall in love with Kenzie just by what Luke's said about her." Liza told Ashton in disbelief.

Luke had constantly went on and on about his once best friend, saying how she was the craziest girl ever to meet. Ashton had grown to love everything about her, even the little kinks she had that Luke found out from Liza. "She's an interesting girl, she's different." Ashton told Liza.

She giggled, knowing for a fact that something was different about Kenzie, and not necessarily in a good way. "Yea you're right about that." She said and grabbed her phone, attempting to call Kenzie for the first time.

Kenzie on the other hand continued watching NCIS, switching to her show, MacGyver, here and then. When her phone rung, she groaned and looked at it.

Liza Mikals would like to facetime.

"No way." Kenzie slammed her phone onto the table, probably cracking the screen again, and continued with her show. Kenzie got up once again, her phone stopping the ringing sound.

"Finally." She said and walked into the kitchen.

"Huh, she probably didn't see her phone." Liza had told Ashton, trying to call Kenzie for a second time.

Kenzie groaned, leaning her head into the living room, hearing her phone go off. "Go away Liza!!" She yelled, knowing her friend couldn't hear her either way.

She grabbed a glass of milk, taking a banana from her fridge. "She better not try again." Kenzie mumbled, taking a sip of the milk.

She looked up at the TV, ignoring her phone go off for the second time as it was. "Kenzie answer me!!" Liza groaned and she tried calling her friend one more time.

"I swear to god!!" Kenzie groaned, taking her empty glass, phone, and non eaten banana into the kicthen.

She put the glass away and peeled the banana, taking a bite out of it. "What Liza?" Kenzie growled, banana in her mouth as she answered the facetime call finally.

Liza smiled on the other side of the screen, glancing at Ashton. "Kenzie finally!!! What have you been doing?" Liza asked and Kenzie looked at the time, taking a bite from the banana again.

"Watching Netflix." Kenzie grumbled, the yellow fruit in her mouth.

"What the hell are you eating?" Liza asked, looking over at Ashton who was just as confused.

Kenzie looked at Liza, taking another bite from the banana. "Banana." She mumbled, leaning on the counter.

Liza just looked at her, seeing the half eaten banana in her hand. "What?" Kenzie asked, swallowing the mushed food in her mouth. "Rather me deep throat the damn thing like Kara?" Kenzie asked and Ashton's face flustered up at the words.

He'd love for Kenzie to do that to him but no one knew of his little fantasies. "K-Kenzie!!" Liza squeaked out, watching Kenzie grab another banana as she finished the one in her hand before.

"I swear to god I can't eat a fucking banana without getting weird looks all because of Kara doing her stupid slut thing." Kenzie said and peeled the banana.

"Kenzie why the hell do you even own bananas?" Liza asked her friend, looking a flustered Ashton.

"Because I'm not Kara." Kenzie glanced at her friend. "Unless you want me to be." Kenzie smirked at her friend, making Liza go wide eyed.

"Kenzie." Liza started.

"I know you're Bi, Liza. I don't really care you're still my best friend." Kenzie said, looking at the banana. "It's just a bloody fruit anyway, not like I'm actually deep throating a dude." Kenzie demonstrated for Liza, making Liza cough.

Kenzie shrugged and looked at Liza. "Kara's not the only freak in the group." Kenzie said and took a bite from the banana.

"Kenzie, A-" Liza was cut off.

"God damn, Luke wasn't kidding." Kenzie froze, knowing the deep accent all too well from videos she's seen of her old friend and his band.

Liza looked at Ashton, who was doing his best to keep his length from showing through his jeans. "She really is a kinky one." Kenzie started choking, dropping the phone and banana to the floor.

"God-fuck you Liza." Kenzie chocked out, taking her glass and getting some water. She gulped it down, getting on her knees to pick her phone up.

"I was trying to tell you," Liza laughed nervously. "I-I've got Ashton with me." Liza told Kenzie and her face grew with anger.

"I swear to fucking god Liza!!! If you even so much as do this to me again I will fucking choke you out in your sleep!!" Kenzie's voice grew high. "And don't you dare think I'd do that for my own pleasure!! I'm gonna fucking kill you!!" Kenzie glared at her best friend.

"I-I-" Liza was cut off.

"How far away does she live from you?" Ashton asked Liza.

"Like three doors down." Liza giggled at the joke Kenzie unknowingly made.

Kenzie glared at her, making her shut up. "I'm coming over." Ashton blurted out.

"What? Why?" Kenzie asked him, not really caring because she'd rather push his cock down her throat than a banana.

"To meet you." Ashton winked at her and Kenzie's face started heating up.

"Wait don't leave me!! Luke's sick and I'm lonely." Liza pouted as Ashton walked to the door.

"Call Michael, or Calum, whoever isn't watching Luke." Ashton ran out the house and Kenzie winked at Liza before shutting her phone off, cleaning up her kitchen.

Soon enough Ashton had gotten to Kenzie's house and they were doing way more than what either had imagined. Meanwhile, Liza just stood in her living room, baffled that her best friend just got the boy she's already wanted just with a banana.

"How the fuck?" Liza questioned, knowing her best friend and boyfriend's drummer were loving on each other.

Kenzie sure is one hell of an interesting character, alright.

That exactly what everyone was thinking about the crazy girl with wild hair and a freaky mind; especially Kenzie herself.


This is the result of me being awake after ten and my imagination. Enjoy and adios blueberries, love you!!!


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