sweet dreams

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"Lance, please," Keith sobbed. "Stay with me!" He grunted, adding more pressure onto Lance's wound in an attempt to stop the overwhelming amount of blood spilling out of Lance.

"Keith," Lance pleaded, licking his dry lips.

"The others will be here soon, just stay with me, okay?" Keith said, ignoring Lance's plea.

Lance lifted his hand with a grunt and brought it up to Keith's face, bringing the red paladin's attention to him. "Keith," Lance began. "You know when you're just sitting around, your eyelids start fluttering shut and you start nodding off to sleep?" Lance rasped.

Keith's breath hitched in his throat, knowing what Lance was trying to imply. He swallowed before nodding.

"Well that's how I feel right now." Lance admitted, breaking eye contact. Keith was taken back by how defeated the blue paladin looked. The boy was never seen without a smile or a smirk, and to see him like this made Keith's heart break.

Lance's bottom lip trembled as a tear rolled from his eyelid to the bridge of his nose, staying still before rolling to the left and onto the ground. "I don't want to fall asleep," Lance confessed with a scratchy sob. "Every time I feel like I'm slipping, I try to jerk awake, but it gets harder every time." Lance cried, looking back up at Keith.

A tear fell from Keith's chin and dropped on Lance's forehead as Keith stared, terrified, down at Lance. "I know," he whispered hoarsely.

Keith allowed his shaking hands to cup Lance's face before cautiously bringing Lance in for a hug. It took him a few moments, but Lance returned the hug, holding Keith just as tightly as he held him. Despite their situation, the hug felt safe, warm, and welcoming - neither paladin dared to move from the comforting position.

Only when Keith felt Lance's grip loosen and his body go limp did Keith let go, looking down at Lance's corpse.

Keith leaned down and placed his trembling lips to Lance's forehead, closing his eyes with a sad smile.

"Sweet dreams, sharpshooter."

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