★ alex <part one> ★

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After weeks, maybe months, of flying from planet to planet in their lions, the paladins, Romelle, Krolia, and Kaltenecker finally arrived on Earth.

The first stop on Earth was to Pidge's family in order to get the plans for the castle ship from her father. They all stayed at Pidge's house for two weeks.

The Holt's slept in their beds, Hunk on a sleeping bag in Pidge's room, Krolia and Keith in the guest bedroom, Romelle on the pull-out couch in the basement, and Shiro on the couch in the living room.

Lance slept alone in Red.

The next stop was Hunk's house since his and Pidge's houses were both in America. His Moms, Lana and Kylee, were very nice to the large group and all of them agreed that his Moms cooked the best food they had ever tasted.

(Lance silently disagreed. Nothing Lana and Kylee made was nothing compared to what his Mama could cook)

They had been staying there for two weeks when they started building the new castle ship.

Everyone was excited about the castle ship, and Lance had to admit that there was a part of him that was glad about the reconstruction, but most of him felt confused.

Why had they started building when Lance hadn't gone home yet? Had they forgotten about him? That seemed impossible; he talked about his family all the time, surely they didn't forget... right? Or maybe they just never listened to him.

(Lance has to slap that idea out of his head)

Even though Hunk's guest bedroom is warmer, Lance sleeps inside Red.

One month of staying with Hunk's family is all Lance can take before he starts insisting that he go visit his family.

The answer is always no; They have to finish the castle ship. Whenever Pidge and Allura snap this at Lance, his retort dies on his tongue and he retreats back to the comfort of Red.

It's on the day marking the second month that Lance sneaks out of Hunk's house, carrying nothing but his jacket and a bowl of food for Kaltenecker, who was already inside Red.

He nearly made it to Red without disturbing anyone until he heard a twig snap and his name being muttered.


Lance winced at the familiar voice, slowly turning on the heels of his feet. "Shiro! Hey..." Lance hummed awkwardly, internally scolding himself for sounding so fake and suspicious.

"What are you doing?" Shiro asked, taking a few steps forward.

"Uh..." Lance fumbled, grasping for any excuses as to why he was bringing his stuff into his Lion late at night. "Just going for a stroll. What are you doing up this late?"

Even though it was hard to tell in the dark, Lance saw Shiro wince at the question. Great. Not only had he managed to screw up the whole 'Saving Clone Shiro' thing, but he also made Shiro feel bad. "Uh, sorry. Forget I asked." He mumbled.

Shiro nodded, glancing at Lance, then at Red, at Lance's jacket, and then at Lance again. "Going home?" Shiro finally asked.

Lance took a step back, his eyes widening. He tried sputtering out excuses and denials, mentally slapping himself when they all came out in Spanish.

After that embarrassing episode, Lance sighed, looking down at his feet. "Yeah," he admitted. "Yeah, I'm going home."

Lance felt his face grow warmer and warmer at the silence between the two. Dios mío, Shiro must think he was pathetic, being so pitiful and weak that he has to run home to his mommy.

"Can I come with you?"

Now that, Lance hadn't expected.

"You... want to come?" He asked, still in shock.

"Definitely," Shiro said, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Believe it or not, I listened to all your stories. Your family sounds fun and I'd really like to meet them." He admitted.

Lance's jaw dropped. He blinked once, twice, thrice, before she shook himself out of his trance and snapped his mouth shut. "Yeah. Yeah, I'd love it if you'd come." Lance finally said, breaking out into a grin so bright it hurt his freckled cheeks.

Shiro laughed and walked over to Red. "Great. Thanks, Lance."

Lance nodded, stepping inside Red and waiting for Shiro to enter before he took a seat. "Anytime, Shiro." He said, taking off.

"And uh, thanks, Shiro."

Next stop, home.

A/N: Heyyyyyy it's been an eternity ;-;

Anyways, sorry for not uploading, I'm working on a part two for this right now and have three other chapters I'm working on, so stay tuned!

Now, you may be wondering why this is called Alex. Who's Alex, you ask? Well, let's just say all your questions will be answered in part two!

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