Chapter 5

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April 24, 2004

Lisa, my Love,

I apologize for the urgency and short notice of this letter, but I must write it. Now. I have not enough time to script all the feelings that are rushing throughout me: fear, homesickness, longing. All in all, I require something from you. Something vital to my well being and my sanity. I'm losing it, Lisa. I can't function anymore. I am plagued by horrible dreams, harsh nightmares that seem to come from nowhere. The last happened years ago, when I was still with you and Danny. I have had relief until now.

For reasons that I do not wish to find out, he sends dreams to certain people. Maybe they are hints leading up his mystery. Perhaps they are mocking messages that serve no purpose. A young lady came to my office about two years ago. She'd spoken of having a dream where a foreboding, sinister voice spoke to her. I asked her a couple of questions, trying to find out as much as I could, but only managed to scrape slivers of information. I told her to admit into the hospital and stay the night. The next morning, she'd informed me that she could hear him speaking to her. She insisted that he was there, next to me, behind her, in the office. By the evening, she was convulsing uncontrollably. Not even sophisticated sedatives could not calm her down. Ten minutes later, her features froze and she went still. She was still breathing, mind you, not dead. I left her in peace, shaken from the occurrence.

The next day, she was gone. It was not like the man I'd seen, where he'd burned to death. She'd just...vanished. Her items were still there, her purse, her phone, even her car keys. But she was not.

I believe he took her. He took her and killed her. I'm sure he is exceptional at body disposal.

For all I know, the dream has no plot, no adventure. There is not even any death. It is just like staring at a black wall. However, it is not quiet. I hear him. I hear him in my thoughts. He speaks of terrible things, gruesome, inhumane things. Things that I do not want to describe. In addition, the dreams do not stop. They come again and again, every time I lay to sleep. I fear sleep now. My eyes are swollen and dark. Fatigue cloaks me. I can not concentrate. My Lisa, I need you to send me that concoction you've created. The sage, mixed with tea leaves, mint and cinnamon. I am not aware why, but that potion seems to abolish my dreams. I have none.

Who knows? All I know, Lisa, is that he is sending me dreams that I do not want. I do not want to view such horrid things.

I simply can not describe the fear that I hold in my heart. He's coming back. I can feel it. It is something I've noticed in my life. A threat may be bad, but there is only one thing that can make it worse: not knowing when it will come. If a gunman is coming to assassinate you, but you don't know when, it is the exact same of not knowing about the threat at all. I do not know why or when he will return, but he will. And when he does, we will all be in serious jeopardy.

My Lisa, I'm afraid you and Danny are not immune to the dreams either. Should you have a dream where he speaks to you, should you hear him in your mind, drink the drink immediately. Do not hesitate. If Danny starts to cry about nightmares, give him the drink as well. The danger it poses is much too much. Better no dreams than horrible dreams. If one of your friends has these nightmare you must also give them the drink. Anyone.

That is all for now, my love. I must stop writing. Please heed my warnings, and keep yourself and Danny safe. I do not know what I'd do without you.

Be careful,

Mark Opage

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