Chapter 22

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I watched and smiled as both dogs succumbed to the fire, not black anymore, but pure sunlight flames. So beautiful and deadly at the same time. Their end made me so happy, so happy to see my enemies burn. They fell like shipwrecked vessels, howling in revenge that would never come. Inside, I could hear the Aura wailing too, angry and sad just the same. This brought me immense joy, to see both forces dying like this. It hadn't occurred to me what I'd done yet.

And almost like Christmas, Dean and Stacy surfaced from the inferno as well, walking, living! My heart leaped in excitement and disbelief. They were okay! They were living. I tried and failed to stand, allowing them to come to me instead.

Their faces said it all, laden with confusion, awe, surprise. They were as incredulous as me, wondering how they could even be alive now. I shook my head so they wouldn't talk. Alive! I couldn't believe it. "How are you guys still--?"

Oh Ethan, Ethan, ETHAN! How FOOLISH you are.

I cringed and gripped my hair, pulling. It was still there? Dean eyes flooded with concern.

You think you've won? Just because you destroyed two measly dogs? You think you've accomplished anything? You're NOTHING compared to me. You SNIVELING BRAT.

Another volt of pain. I fell to my knees and hit my head against the ground. The power started to recede, and I heard the crackling flames die. I groaned and slumped on myself.

I'll make you SUFFER for what you've done. You think you've gotten away? I'll have you for MYSELF. And I'll force you to watch your world burn.

"Ethan," Dean whispered. "We have to get out of here. There are more coming."

"More what?" I asked tightly. "Of those things?"

"They're closing in."

"We have to keep going," I said, standing shakily, pulsating pain rocking my eyes backwards. "We have to get to the guy's house. We'll be safer there."

"Are you sure you can make it? You look...sick."

"I'm fine, trust me." I started to walk down the street. I saw what they were talking about. There were many more dogs around, perched like vultures awaiting the walking corpses in front of them. The Aura laughed.

You'll never make it there. I won't allow it.

"Watch me!" I screamed. And I took off in the other direction, disoriented.

"Hey!" Stacy said, running past me with Dean in tow.

They were upon us just seconds later, bounding and yipping excitedly, claws clicking against the hard road. We were close, though. If we could just hang in there...we'd make it. We turned on a corner and came towards a small avenue of grand houses. My eyes flitted left and right, reading each number. Descending. 2251. 2249. 47. 45.

"This one!" I yelled at them. I watched in satisfaction as they skipped across the lawn and moved to follow them.

But I was too slow. Crushing weight fell against my back, causing me to fly forwards and crash into the lush brown soil of Mark's lawn. Dirt forced itself into my mouth, down my throat and up my nose. I opened my eyes slightly and blinked away little pebbles. All I could see was darkness, pure black and blazing hateful white as they swarmed around me. The world was cut off from me and I could hear anything but the snarling, snapping jaws. The black blaze of flame. The evil laughter of the Aura as he surrounded me.


No...but I couldn't fight back. My arms and legs has turned to lead. My head was bursting into flames along with everything else around me. It had me. It had won.

And then blazing white light, followed by the hissing, sizzling sound of evaporation.


Little by little I gained movement in my limbs, my vision fading back into focus. There was a bright light hitting me. I scrunched my eyes shut.


"Yeah, me," I heard a familiar sardonic voice say. "If I were you, I'd just retreat back into his mind right now, before you mess up even more."

I looked up weakly and caught sight of Mark holding a flashlight defensively, Dean and Stacy watching behind him.

You IMBECILE. You think I'm afraid of someone as weak and inadequate as you?

"I wasn't talking about me," he said, smiling. "You almost killed his friends. You could have messed him up. You think he'll let you get away with it? Consider yourself done." He turned and faced the other two. "Can't imagine what this is like for you guys. I'll explain everything inside. For now, could you drag him in here or something? If I let go of the flashlight, all the dogs will come back."

They worked their ways around Mark and headed towards me. Suddenly my body twisted to the side and I grinned. "You idiots!" I exclaimed. Not me speaking. The blasted Aura was speaking through me. I shivered and tried to shake it away. Dean and Stacy froze. "I've killed you once. Don't even THINK I would hesitate to do it again!"

Dean's eyebrows furrowed as Stacy looked back at Mark, question in her eyes.

"Relax," Mark said soothingly. "That's not him talking. It's just trying to scare you. As long as this light is here, it can't do anything."

Nodding, they approached me again. Dean actually smiled. "You're not going to burn me again, are you?"

"Don't encourage him," Stacy muttered. She gripped my right arm and recoiled back. "What happened here? Did you fall?"

"It'll be alright," Dean said. "Let's just get back in the house. We all need to sit down and get to terms."

"You make it sound like we're breaking up," I breathed.

Dean laughed and pulled me up. We walked back to the doorstep, Mark still shining the light protectively over his lawn. We entered the house as Mark closed the door, clicking the light off.

Mark walked towards a large, open living room bordered with plush brown couches, a plasma TV, a large rug. Everything I thought the rich would love to have in their house. He slumped against one of the couches and closed his eyes, exhaling heavily.

One eye blinked open, followed by his face curling in amusement. "Why are you guys huddled so awkwardly like that. Have a seat. Let me explain everything."

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