Chapter 20

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"What?" I say, unbelieving. "That's crazy."

"It was bound to happen," Mark says. "I'd tried to prevent it, but I can't delay fate forever. It was inevitable that you would be born."

"What does that have to do with anything? A lot of people are born on leap-days! People are born every day."

"No, that's not always true. It wasn't for us. Don't you know any superstitions about leap-years?"

"What superstitions?" I ask.

"I can't tell you all that here. I don't have the time or energy. Why don't you know anyway? Haven't you ever felt something, something that indicated that you were special?"

"No," I answer. "Never. I'm just barely getting all of this. What's up with me? Why the The Aura want me so much? And what role do you--"

My voice is cut off, choked by a sudden, haphazard shaking that moves through my legs. Mark looks up and curses, standing. I see he is shaking too, but he doesn't seem to notice it. I look around frantically.

"What's happening?" I shout over the deafening muteness. "Why are we shaking like this?"

"Someone's waking you up," Mark whispers. "I'm out of time here."

"Waking this a dream or something? Not real?"

"Of course it's real, Ethan. It's more of a...precognitive experience. Look, you need to find me. Out there. Find my house and meet me so I can help you."

"Help me what?" I ask, gripping the bench to keep from sprawling over. I wonder how Mark is so still, so balanced.

"You're blocked. You need to get it out of you. I can try, but I can't make any promises."

"That makes no sense! What's blocked? From what?" Sudden shadow causes me to look up. I see giant black cracks forming upwards, like lightning, raining small, powdery whiteness from above.

"I can't explain it all here. You need to find me as soon as you wake up. 2245 Oakford Drive. Get over here." He smiles a little. "I have to go now."

"Go? Wait! What's going to happen to me?" I turn to look at him.

But he's gone.

What just happened?

The cracks widen, then split open, showing nothing but darkness and black outside. Shouting, I cower underneath the bench, gripping the legs with all my might. The Aura. It's coming now. I can feel it.

And with that I shut my eyes, hoping to survive.

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