Chapter one

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Chapter 1
“You can run Elizabeth, you can run as fast as you can but I will always find you.” that was the last thing he told me before I ran away, its been five years since that day its better to stay in the light.
Flash back:
“Uncle Peter I’m going to visit my mother today I will be a little late.” I make my way through the kitchen where my Uncle left breakfast on the table. Fresh strawberries and yogurt with my favorite blue berry waffle’s. “Kiddo just be safe I heard there is another girl missing since Monday.” Its been hard on Pine town we have a population of 1250 people and since the beginning of the year there has been fifteen young girls between the age of eighteen and twenty-five years old missing. “I will do so Uncle Peter, I still got my Pepper spray and Taser gun in my purse.” I make my way out the house after I filled my stomach with waffle’s and syrup. I got into my brand new 2018 Mercedes Benz A-Class, I call her black beauty.  Being the only child, my mother left me a lot of money after her death, she died in a car accident and only her body was found but her head was missing. I pull up by my best friend’s house to give her daughter a ride to school.

“Aunty Lizzy!” she ran out the house like every other morning jumping into my arms. “My lollypop whizzy washy, let me guess you had chocolate waffle syrup for breakfast.” She looks at me with a surprised face. “How did Aunty Lizzy know?” I give her a kiss on her head and sat her down in the back seat putting her seat belt on. “I am your godmother my Lollypop I know everything.” I got into the car and turned the radio on. “twenty-year-old Mary-ann was taken from her house, there is noting missing or broken in the house, her parents suspect she ran away from home. If anyone has seen her or now her where about please contact the local police.” I look in my rear-view mirror and saw Lollypop playing with her dolls I always keep in the car. I wish I had a child by now, but I never could find the one that wants to be with me without wanting money. “Aunty Lizzy… I saw a man in my dreams last night, he was going through my memories of us. He told me that he’s looking for his future.” Its not the first time she had dreams like this, she calls him the memory man he had pale skin with yellow eyes and long nails that poke her mind. “Did you tell him to stay away Lollypop, because I don’t want you to have sleepless night’s again you are way to small for that.” She smiles at me with her two front teeth missing, I still remember how we lost her tooth under my bed and never found it I had to bribe her with a hundred-dollar bill.” “I did tell him Aunty Lizzy he said soon he will be forever out of my mind then I can sleep better.”
I pulled up at her school and took her out of the car, she’s the best thing that ever happened to me she’s my mini best friend, she sleeps by my house a lot when her mother needs to travel because she’s a model.

“Aunty Lizzy today I am walking into school by myself I am a big girl.” I let go her hand and bent down to look at her. “I never thought this day would come for you to grow up so fast and telling me the big whizzy washy don’t want me to walk her to class.” She laughed and rolled her eyes. “Aunty Lizzy sooner or later I am going to be big and beautiful.” I wipe a tear off my face and kissed her “Go before I change my mind and take you to class and give you a big kiss in front of all your friends.” She turned around and started to run.

I got to the office and made my way to the meeting room where I will be for the rest of the day.

I made my way out the building the rain is pouring down on my skin, I love rain I could stand like this forever. I got into the car and made my way to the graveyard, its dark and I forgot my flashlight. I kept my cars headlights on so I could at least see where I am walking. I stood in front of my mother’s grave ‘a mother a sister a warrior you left this earth to soon’. “hey mommy I am so sorry for not visiting last week I had so much work and Angela left Lollypop by me because she was in Paris. I miss you its been so long I miss our conversations.” I felt a wind behind me making my hair on my arms rise. I turned around and saw nothing, I turned around to face my mothers grave again but felt someone close to me, yet again I turned around and saw a man figure behind me. “I am sorry to fright you like this but I came to collect my belongings.” I couldn’t see his face but his voice was dark like the devil himself, it made me want to run. “can you step into the light I so that I can see to whom I am talking to?” he gave a small type of growl. “I backed away from him and fell into a hole I never saw, in complete darkness I stood up and tried to climb out. “No use Lizzy, I need you to come with me I have been waiting more than a life time for you.” I tried getting out of the whole I felt tears in my eyes I can’t see him. “Please I have done nothing and I am not yours I am a free person in this world. “You were promised to me the day you took your first breath on this earth, I will take you with me.” he grabbed my arms and started to pull me out of the hole my cars lights were off now, he was standing in front of me, his breath smelled like the death itself I could feel his nails pushing into my skin. “let go of me you monster!” I looked into his eyes and they were yellow I then head bud him, kicked him between the legs that’s when he lets go of me in that moment I saw my purse laying by my mothers grave I picked it up and took my phone out to switch the flash on. I remembered Lollypop told me he hates the lights. “You will regret this Elizabeth.” He made his way to me when I flashed the phone into his eyes. He screamed but it sounded something like a growl from an animal it was so loud the ground started to move underneath me. I took this opportunity and made my way to the car, I switched the car on and made my way out of the grave yard. “Beauty call Uncle Peter.” I heard the phone ring and ring “Uncle Peter something got a hold of me I am on my way home please don’t switch the lights off.” He was silent for a second. “Lizzy you need to go west there is a house your mother used to own travel in the day light and don’t drive where there are no lights.” I couldn’t believe this. “You knew about this?” “Lizzy, I don’t have much time he will come for me, your mother almost died giving birth to you, she prayed if someone or something can hear her she needs you to live. We thought it was a miracle that she survived while giving birth, but she never told us what happened. Your mother’s death was no accident child you need to go…” he was cut off I knew he got to him.
End of flash back.

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