Chapter 3.

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It's Monday and the alarm beside my bed is up roaring the life out of it

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It's Monday and the alarm beside my bed is up roaring the life out of it.

I quickly get up and notice the time on it. It's seven thirty and I'm late. And it's now I pay attention to the alarm, it's been snoozing for fifteen minutes.

I immediately push aside my duvet and make my way to the bathroom.

It only takes me ten minutes... literally ten minutes to shower and dress up. I then tie my hair in a messy bun with the ribbon on my wrist.

My mom has never been home when I go to school, so instead I take the bus to school.

How great.

I run downstairs with books in my hand and school bag in the other. I pour my favourite cereals in a bowl with cold milk. It only takes me five minutes to finish and digest.

Sundays are always boring for me. Yesterday was awful. Since Kate was not here to entertain me or anything, I went to the park.

I'm awaken by the bus hooting its life out. I jump at my seat and make my way out.

Can this day get any better?

Kids in Lake Mill are buzzing. The hallway is full of learners running around and going who knows where?

I make my way to my locker and fill in the books I need for the rest of the day.

"Amalisa Cohen!!" I turn and see Kate running towards me.

"Kate." I shout.

Learners are staring at me like I'm a total doofus. Whatever. They probably don't know who I am.

"How have you been? Found any friends? I'm sure you love your ro-."

"Whoa Kate, slow your roll." I say chuckling, "how about you breathe first? And to answer all your questions, no. I haven't found any friends nor love my room." I say, making my point heard and rolling my eyes.

I just knew she wanted to say whether I loved my room.

And I don't.

"Whatever dude. Your girlfriend is deranged."

Me and Kate immediately turn to see the hottest boys in the school making their way past us and joining the school's corridor. The one who said those words is Jason Chivansci, The second hottest among his best friends.

I notice that Blaze River is glaring at me. My cheeks begin to flush. He is the Hottest in the school and staring at me.

Why of all people is Blaze staring at me? I have been with him in the same Maths class since primary and never had he set his eyes on me.

I'm perplexed. Honestly.

"Kate, I'll see you at Lunch. Wait for me at your locker... or mine." I state.

" Sure, thing short cakes." She says, putting her cute smile on.

"I think it's time to change the name. It doesn't catch on." I say, with my face disgusted.

"Whatever. You have never complained about it. Why now?" She says with her eyebrows up and furrowed.

I ignore her.

The bell rings, signalling that it's the first lesson. I check my time table and notice that my first lesson is Maths. I quickly make my way to class as I enjoy being the first person to enter the class.

After five minutes of kids buzzing around, I'm seated in the third, last row with my book on the table and a pen in my hand.

I notice some learners entering the class and Connie taking a sit next to me. She has been my Maths friend.

"Hey Ama. How was your weekend?" She asks pulling her amazing smile.

" It was bor---" I stop talking as I see Blaze enter the class and immediately locks eyes with me.

I stare at him for almost five seconds.

Wait what? Why am I looking at Blaze River?

"Hello... Earth to Amalisa." Connie lightly hits my shoulder.

"Oh. uh uhm..." I clear my throat, "my weekend was boring." I fake pull out my smile.

What's wrong with me? I did not just look at Blaze... or did I?

After few minutes of talking to Connie and the class chatting, Mr Tuddo enters the class with pile of papers in his hands.

"Alright class, Quiet now. I have work for you." He says while passing the papers to the girl who is seated at the front seat.

"Since we are done with Algebra and Geometry, we will be starting with Euclidean." He says with so much enthusiasm.

I hate this topic. I've always failed it.

We hear chuckles from the back of the room. The class turns to watch the three hot boys laughing about something.

"Mind sharing the joke, Mr River?" Mr Tuddo states with an aggravated tone.

"Sorry Sir... It's nothing serious." Blaze says looking at me instead of Mr Tuddo. I quickly turn back to my old position and arrange my jacket.

"Well it looked serious to me..." Mr Tuddo says. He turns back to the board, "...anyway class, turn to where we left from. Do make sure that you copy the notes on the boa---"

My mind can no longer concentrate. Why is Blaze staring at me?

Do I have something on my forehead that's written 'idiot'?


I hope y'all loved it. ♡♡
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Until next time♧♡♢♤

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