Chapter 10.

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It's already 8pm and the party has started. Katherine's parties are always pleasurable or so we've heard. She's popular and rich, but loves and treats everyone the same. She's comely, with her blonde-bob hair, outspoken and has a pleasant body to show off with. Most of the boys from school coveted to be her next Boyfriend but she kept dismissing them, until she dated Lex Chris who happens to be also popular at school. She isn't really my friend, but we click really well.

We make a stop at her house and park the car on a free parking zone. We get out and lock the car. It's a bit cold and we have no Jerseys on. The music is already clamorous from outside. The house is breath taking. Just the look from outside makes your eyes flutter. You already know the inside is Heaven on Earth. Some crowds are outside and drinking, Others are making out in the corners.

That doesn't bother me. I came here to mind my own business and have fun.

No fights and vomiting have started yet. Which is a good sign. It's a descent party.

We make a stop at a closed door and knock. I don't think it's good manners to enter without being told to.

We knock again... and again...and again until our knuckles hurt. I don't think we're heard.

Duh... it's a party and the music is pretty loud. Can't you hear too?

As we turn and leave, the music gets louder, someone has opened the door then closed. We turn and look at the person.

"Hi guys. Are you here for the party?" The boy says. I can't quite make out his face but I doubt he's from Lake Mill.

"Uhm. yeah. Katherine invited us." Kate says.

"Sure, Come with me. You guys are welcome to come in." He smiles at us.

To be honest, He's handsome. He has black eyes, dimples appearing on both cheeks, blonde short hair, like he just got a haircut.

He opens the door and lets us step in first. The music is too loud, I doubt I can even hear myself talking. He then makes his way in front of us and leads us to the kitchen. We pass a bunch of learners from Lake Mill, with red cups in their hands and few with bottles in their hands. Some are on the dance floor as the music bangs. I doubt some have clothes on.

"Drinks?" He smiles.

"Yeah. Sure" Kate says.

I haven't said anything since we got here but the stranger sure looks cool.

"My name is Abby by the way." He gives me his hand for a handshake. I stare at it for a moment before shaking it.

"I'm sorry." I chuckle, "And I am Amalisa. Nice to meet you." I smile back at him.

"And I'm Kate." She winks.

That's weird.

"Nice to meet you all. Are you guys friends with Katherine?"

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