Chapter 19.

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"Miss. We need you to calm down, this is for your heart condition. Please?" He talks so smooth it even irritates me.

"I don't care about that. A simple answer would suffice, then spending this crucial time telling me balderdash. Now, I'll ask you for the last time," I ask with a gruff voice. As I wait for his response, nothing comes out. He instead talks to the other paramedic about something else. I try to eavesdrop but feel like I'm deaf.

I'm getting weaker and weaker

"Can't...stay...awake." I mumble. Blur keeps blunting my eyes.

"Miss, we need to perform life-saving procedures before transporting you to the hospital." Another blonde lady with blonde hair says. Her name tag is written 'Ella'.

A horrible name with a horrible attitude.

These people do not understand my upheaval... they've never been in an accident or in my situation... they are trying so hard to calm me down but, the more they're havocking the situation. Why can't they just let me see my Mom?!

Maybe I should calm down. Maybe everything is being handled. Maybe everything is under control... just maybe...

Everything has happened so fast. I mean, few minutes ago, it was a loud bang that still circlet in my ears, sirens heading to us, Mom being carried in a different car from mine, me in an Ambulance bed and now in the Hospital.

I look around and close my eyes. Blur taking charge on me. The lights in the Hospital are too bright.

I'm quickly rushed to an Emergency Room and passed to Nurses and a Doctor. The next thing I know is, I'm surrounded by so many machines and pipes in my nose and both hands. The one in my nose is hurting my nostrils.

"Doctor can you...Oww... can you please tell me where my Mom is?" I plead with worried eyes.

"Miss. We need you to inhale from this machine. We'll let you know when everything including you, is under control." Dr. Glande says, as his name tag says.

"Is... Is my Mom worse than I am? Is she..."? I look right in his eyes, "...dead?" Tears bounce back on my face.

He first ignores me but I ask the question anyway... I can feel my eyes shutting slowly. But I look at him anyway though my eyes keep closing.


What's that sound?

I open my eyes and break-hit the alarm with my feast. I feel tears streaming down my face. I take my pillow and groan in it and the next thing I notice, I fell off the bed.

"Oww." I wince in pain.

I get up from the floor and sit back on the bed. My neck hurts so bad I can barely move my head. This usually happens if I never turn at night.

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