8-21-18//Letter 2

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Dear Jungkook,

I really hope you read my last letter. What am I even saying. Of course you won't read it because you hate me. Well, you are not the only one who hated me. The other person who hated me the most were my parents. Yea I know it's crazy.

So even before we met and you started bullying me, my parents use to abuse me. My mom and my dad would always be drunk and when they were sober. They still didn't care about me. I had to work because they made me. They made me do all the house work and if I did something wrong, they will hit me. I always had so many bruises and I would always lie about them.

When I was 13, I found a friend. At least I thought he was my friend. I met him the last month of summer break. We became close. He always asked me where did I get so many bruises but I always lied about them. I felt bad lying to him. But I didn't wanted him to be involved into my messed up life. He was the first person who cared for me. That's what he told me and I believed it. I believed in everything he said.

I slowly started to fall in love with him. But I shouldn't have because I still love him. I can't get over him even tho we aren't friends anymore. That person is a mystery right now. I will tell you who he is in the next letter.

That's it for today. Have a good life.

Love Jia


Sorry for any mistakes. Hope you guys liked it. And don't forget to read my other story. I love you guys so much.

Also guys check out the video above. This girl's voice is really amazing.

Here's the link to her youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Silv3rT3ar.

Go check it out. She's done many covers and some songs that are in korean but she sang them in english.


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