8-24-18//Letter 5

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Dear Jungkook,

This is my last letter to you. This letter is very important because it will reveal some secrets. Today is also the day for me to say goodbye. To say goodbye to who? No one I guess but I will be saying goodbye to the world. And please do not blame yourself in any way. This is not your fault or anybody's.

This is my choice. And I feel like, if I'm gone, everybody will be happy. Everything will be better. I wanna ask you some things. Even tho I know you can't answer them because by the time you get this. I'm probably already gone.

My life sucked in every way. So here is my question: Why did everyone wanted to hurt me in any way possible?

I also want to tell you one more thing Jungkook. Even tho you were my bully, I just couldn't help but fall in love with you. You are probably thinking that why would you ever love me? I'm just pathetic girl who has a messed up life. I was the girl who never received any love from anybody. Even tho she did once but she thinks it was fake love because it faded away after a month.

Today is the day you started bullying me. Today is the day my mom died or you can say killed. Today is the day my dad was arrested. Today is the day I fell in love with you. Today is the day I will die. And Today is my birthday.

Jungkook, remember I said I will tell you the reason why I wasn't coming to school. It's because the day I stopped coming, A day before that, the principal called me and he asked me to leave the school for my own safety. I told him not to worry because I was leaving. That is all I said to him. He probably thought I was going to a different school or leaving the country but I'm not.

Jungkook, please don't blame yourself or anybody for my death. Like I already said, it's nobody's fault. It's my own. It was mistake for me to be born so that's why, to make everyone happy, I'm killing myself.

Just remember one thing Jungkook.......I love you. I will always love you. You don't have to love me. It's ok Jungkook. I am still happy. I am literally crying right now. I'm pretty sure everyone would be so happy to hear I'm gone. And some people might even make fun of me because I committed suicide. But it is my decision. Please do not do the same thing as me. I don't want to see anybody suffer because of me. What am I even saying? Nobody cares about me. They all hate me. Including you Jungkook.

I love you Jungkook

Love Jia


Ahhh this story is so sad. I'm sorry to make those people cry who cried while reading this. I was also crying. This is just a fake story I made up. SO there will another part to it. That part will be only Jungkook's thoughts and the last part of this story. Everything will be explained again but in a different way. And thank you for reading. I love you guys.

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