8-23-18//Letter 4

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Dear Jungkook,

Wow, I can't believe tomorrow is the last day. The last letter is really important so please read it. It will be the last letter. So as I said in the last letter that I will tell you about my life. So here it is how it goes.

I don't remember my really early life. But I do remember my parents started drinking when I was 8. My whole life, they never gave me the love they should have. I was always a mistake to them. They always told me I was a mistake and slowly I started believing it.

They didn't hurt me then but when I turn 10, my mom said this to me 'Jia, you were a mistake. Why were you born? Since you were born, we've been having so many problems. We lived a happy easy life before you born. Why did you had to be born? Couldn't god give me a better daughter or a son? You're nothing but a piece of shit. You are worthless. And remember nobody's ever gonna love you because you are ugly.' She said those words to me directly. She wasn't even drunk. She was fully sober. My eyes started watering up. I knew I was gonna cry so I got up and went to my room.

After like a minute, my mom and dad knocked on my room door. I was scared because the knocks were really loud. I could tell they both were drunk. They suddenly my door opened. I forgot about the spare key. My dad said 'Aww looks like this slut forgot about the spare key.' I was too innocent to know what 'slut' meant. But since that day my parents started hitting me. They hurt me a lot every day even for the tiny little mistake I did. I was indeed a mistake.

They day you started bullying me, my mom died that day. You are probably thinking she died because she drank too much or she took a dangerous drug that took her life. But no, my dad killed her. They always use to fight and one day me dad just shot her. He was horrified of his actions. He told me to help him hide the body or else he will do worse than he does. I didn't wanted to get hurt more than I was. So I helped him. He buried her in our backyard. Nobody even knew anything.

He continued to hurt even more. When I was 16, he finally got arrested. The police still never found out about me getting abused both at home and school. Somebody saw him burying her. They didn't see me so I was fine. They arrested my dad and he's been in jail ever since. I don't know if I'm happy or sad that he's in jail. But I do feel sad because he was my only family left. Others didn't care about me. I lived alone since then. I got a better job. At home I was happy but everyday in school, I felt like I was in hell. You and other would never leave me alone. But I don't blame you. I forgive you Jungkook and all the other people who hurt me my whole life.

I know everyone will be happy if I leave and I will do that for others happiness. Have a good life Jungkook. You're lucky that you don't have a shitty life like me.

Love Jia


Sorry for any mistakes. Hope you guys like this part. Please don't think, this is related to my life. Because I don't have a messed up life. Sorry for those who might be offended by this. But my life is so not related to this story. I live a completely different life. Please understand that. And thank you for reading.

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