8-22-18//Letter 3

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Dear Jungkook,

In this letter, you will found out about the friend I talked about in the last letter. Only 2 more days and 2 more letters left. Wow, I can't believe this all went by so fast. Jungkook, I hope that you are reading my letters. In the next letter, I will tell you about my life. I know it sounds boring but you might be shocked to hear my life story.

Ok, so the friend I was talking about was....you Jungkook. I don't think that you remember me. If you don't remember, it's ok. It's not important to you, I know that so don't worry. But I will still tell you how we met. Maybe then you can remember.

So one day I was sitting on a park bench and I was crying. Nobody was at the park at that time or at least I though so. When I was about to get up to go somewhere else, you came. You asked me why was I crying? And what I said was 'Why do you care?'. You said you don't like people crying. It's not good for health. After you said that you hugged me.

I felt so safe in your arms. It felt like all my problems went away. Then I told you everything except for my parents abusing me. I didn't wanted to tell you that because I just knew you. Since then you became my friend. It was summer break so we would always hang out. But when we went back to school, you stopped seeing me. I always wondered why? Then I thought you were like everyone else. Once they talk to me, you felt sorry for me but then they were the one who started bullying me.

We were in High School. After a week there, you started bullying me. You acted like you never knew me. You called me names and beat me up all the time. At home I was beaten up and the same with the school. Once again, everyone left me. Then I knew, I was a mistake. I didn't deserve to live. I got beaten up all the time. And it got worse from home when my mom died.

My mom died when I turned 14. Lot of things happened that day. I'll tell you those in the next letter. I really hope you read them tho. Have a happy life Jungkook.

Love Jia



That's it for today. Sorry for any mistakes. And I love you guys.

If you read my other story then plz read carefully. I will not update that story for a little more time because I still have to finish writing it and I can't write today because I am not feeling good today. Thankyou and plz wait for the next update.

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