Sequel or Q&A-You Pick

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Hello guys, it's been a long time since I have visited this book.

I am very thankful to those people who read this and cried like I did. This was, indeed, a really sad story. I cried while writing it.

I am also thankful for over 1000 read. I certainly did not thought that I would get this many reads bc it wasn't exactly that good. Thank you so much to those people who read this.

Okay, so let's get to the point. I suddenly got this idea of doing a sequel or a Q&A on one of my finished stories. But, I couldn't pick which one to do it on. So, I am letting you guys pick.

To tell me, you can either comment here or on my convo. I am okay with both.

You can check out my other finished stories which are 3 including this one. There is only one that I am not doing a sequel or a Q&A on since I am not done with it yet but I will be soon. The story just hit the climax. Go ahead and read it. You might like it.

So, when you pick this one or any other one, tell me which one is it and tell me whether you want a sequel or a Q&A.

The voting will last for 7 more days. Not including today. Tomorrow will be the first day.

I am looking my very best forward to it. I hope I said that right. But, this is my first ever time doing it. Plz tell me what you want. I will pick which one is it based on the votes.

Oh, and this is posted in my convo and my other completed stories too. Make sure to check them out. They may not be the best but they are good.

You can also tell me what you want privately and ask me more questions about this privately.

That's it, my lovely readers. Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting on this book. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Have a lovely day, my lovely and beautiful readers. I love you guys. You guys are the best.😊😊

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