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Since Tuesday, I started receiving letters from Jia. I always read them and sometimes she even asked me if I actually read them. I got 5 letters from her. The last she gave me was on Aug 24. 

Every time she wrote the letters, I felt like crying. Even I didn't knew why I bullied her. I didn't even knew she was living this life. I hate myself for doing this to her. I can't believe she still loves me after all this. The truth is I also loved her. And my girlfriend was the one who forced me to break our friendship. I didn't wanted to do it at first but she said if I don't, she will hurt Jia. She also told me to bully her.

My girlfriend broke up with me after like 5 months. I never actually liked her that much. I liked her at the beginning but then I started to hate her. But when I started to bully Jia, I felt really sorry for her and I couldn't believe myself that I was actually doing that. Months later this side of me went away but a little part of it still remained deep inside of me. The new me, I guess hated Jia because then I started bullying her even more. I would call her names. I would mostly call her slut.

Whenever I received a new letter, I felt way more worse than I already did. The old side of me started to come back but I knew I couldn't do anything anymore. She was going away and I know she won't stop. The last chapter was really important like she kept mentioning in her other side. I couldn't believe what I read. She thinks everybody is going to be happy when she's gone. But I won't be.

At first I thought she was transferring to a new school or probably leaving the country. I was also sad then but I did hope that she didn't get bullied by the people there. Because she has an angel face. I always loved her back but I was too stupid to realize. Now I regret my choice for breaking our friendship. I should've stood up for her. 

When we stopped talking, I didn't knew she was also going to be in the same school as I am. When I saw her on the first day, I was about to walk up to her when my girlfriend now ex caught my arm and told me not to go or she will hurt her. I shouldn't have listened to her. I could've protect Jia. But I was too stupid at that time. Slowly I got used to it and forgot that we used to be friends. 

I would cry whenever I read her letters. I wanted to reply. I was also wondering why she didn't go to school anymore. Then I realized, I knew nothing about her. I forgot everything about her. She lived her a very horrible life which she didn't deserve. 

Her last letter made me skin turn paler than it already is. I was shook by the words she wrote. I was frozen. She was going to take her life away because of me, people at school, and her parents. She never received the love like the rest of us. 

As soon I was done reading the last letter, my eyes starting tearing up and soon those tears were streaming down my face. I was frozen in my place and the letter in my hand was now on the floor. After some seconds I got my consciousness back, I quickly got up and ran towards her house. 

I got to her house and started banging on the door but no reply. I looked around to find some key and just my luck, I did found a key under the doormat. I quickly opened the door and checked every room door. I went in the last room which looked like a girl room. I understood that this was her room. But she wasn't there. Then I checked the bathroom and there she was laying in her bath tub filled with her own blood. Her hands were covered in blood. She was holding her stomach. When I looked closer I noticed the blood was flowing out of her stomach. Then I realized she stabbed herself.

Jungkook: "JIA" 

This is what I said before I took out my phone and called the police. They said the ambulance will be here in some minutes. I quickly went near her and took of my shirt to cover her wound so the blood would stop coming out. But it didn't really work. I mean it was still coming out but slowly. I picked her up and brought her out and put her on the bed.  

Just 5 letters----Jungkook ff✔Where stories live. Discover now