What I missed the Most

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They stumbled to their shared apartment in flounder heights, tripping over eachother's feet as they lurched through the door and into the hallway.

Liam hastily pulled his jacket and boots off and carelessly tossed them across the floor. They lost more and more clothing as they walked, leading a trail of clothes to the bedroom.

Liam moaned as Alex resumed his assault against his neck and chest. His tongue was rough and hot against his cool skin as he licked and sucked over his collarbone.

"Ohh~ Alex, I missed you so much." Liam breathed, his hands sliding further up his chest.

Alex's mouth moved over the delicate area of his neck, just below his jawline, and sucked hard. Liam's face twisted in pleasure and pain, and his hands moved down to, once again, tug at his boyfriend's shorts.

Their lower bodies were pressed firmly together, and they could feel exactly how much they missed eachother through the fabric of their pants. Alex moved his face closer to Liam's, so that their foreheads were touching. He stared into his pink eyes, which were blown beautifully with desire.

Alex pulled away from him suddenly, and moved his hands back to his chest.

Liam let out a small whimper when his hands were pulled away.

"Stop trying to make it end so quickly." Alex whispered calmly.Liam looked up in confusion

"What do you mean?! I've been waiting for this ever since I knew I was coming back." He protested.

He moved in to try and press their mouths together, but was left with emptiness as Alex, again, pulled away. Liam's lips pressed together with heated aggrivation. It hadn't even been a day and Alex was already back to his usual aggravating character.

He wanted the release he'd been dreaming of all this time, and he wanted it now. On the other hand, Alex wanted to take his time with him until he was begging for him.

He could see the angry sparks in his lover's eyes as he grew more impatient. "You're such a jerk, don't you dare torture me like this!" He warned, and Alex chuckled at his current state.

"I love when you get like this. You're cute when you're horny~" he teased. Liam creased his eyebrows and his face was starting to turn red with embarrassment. They were only inches from the bed and-

Liam's eyes widened.

A lightbulb suddenly popped into his mind and he stepped towards Alex, who took a step backwards. Liam's lips curled into devil-like smirk and he repeated his actions again and again, until the other was inches from the bed behind him.

With a final step back, Alex gasped as he fell backwards onto the plush blanket. Liam took his chance to leap on top of him. They struggled against eachother, giggling and squirming, until Liam eventually took hold of his wrists and pushed them firmly on either side of his head. His legs then moved to straddle his waist as he sat on top of him.

"Gotcha!" He said playfully. Alex tried not to smile at his adorable enthusiasm over his little victory.

The silly atmosphere was short-lived, and they were soon moving against eachother again, like they had been previously in the hallway. Liam was the one to feast over his neck this time leaving butterfly kisses all over his golden skin. It was extremely ticklish, and Alex had to use all his will power not to burst out laughing.

Liam smirked sinfully.

Without warning, he pressed their hips together hard, and rolled them forward. Alex nearly moaned as the unexpected pleasure shot through him, causing his whole body to tense up. Liam heard his breath hitch and smirked wider. He gazed into his eyes and repeated his ministrations. Their hard lengths ground together with sparks of pleasure, and Liam watched with delight as he became more undone. Alex felt pain in his jaw, and he realized he was clenching his teeth.

Naughty Squids 2 (splatoon Lemons/Love story) RATED FOR AGES 18+ ONLY!!!Where stories live. Discover now