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It was a Sunday morning, and Alex, deciding he'd be the one to save them from starving to death this time, was strolling down the aisles of MakoMart.

He filled the cart with chocolate sea bunny cereal, pickled fish eggs, jelanzo's blueberry shaved ice, seaweed bacon, salmon milk, coral chips (with ridges), and sea-grape soda, before heading towards the checkout


He skidded to a halt in front of a large stack of boxes.

"....oh my cod."

The awakening sun poured through the blinds onto Liam's pale face, which had a smile spread peacefully across it.

It's been awhile since he wasn't awoken by Alex's snoring, or his tendencies to rise earlier than him, and he was blissfully enjoying the opportunity to sleep in. He sighed happily and snuggled tightly into the covers.

Before he could drift off back to sleep, he heard the front door of their shared apartment open, followed by the faint rustling of bags and the door slamming shut.


'Cod dammit'

He pulled the blanket over his head and groaned. 'Please don't come in here'

The door slammed open, startling him out of bed. He fell flat on the floor with a loud thud.
"Ow!! Alex-"

"L I A M!! I need to show you something!!"

Liam groaned, "huh?"

Alex looked down at his boyfriend and chuckled slightly.

"Sorry, were you sleeping?" He asked, as he flicked the lights on. Liam covered his face. "MY EYES!! ALEX!!" He wailed.

Alex looked around, puzzled "What's wrong with you? It's already time to get up.."

Liam looked at the clock next to their bed, then up at him in disbelief. "ITS 5 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING!" He exclaimed.

There was a pause.

"...oh. I thought I'd been in the supermarket a little longer than that." Alex shrugged.

Liam got up from the floor, "why were you in the supermarket at 5am?"

Alex moved closer to him, "Uhh, to get groceries obviously, we were running low in snac-"

"No, no, I mean why at 5AM?!"

"Well firstly, I was there at 4am, and secondly, I know you don't like going all the time, so I decided to go this time." He stated proudly.

Liam stared at him, confused. "T-that still doesn't explain why you woke up at- wait a second. What did you buy??"

A smirk spread across Alex's face, "I'm glad you asked that question my sweet lamb, if you would please follow me into the kitchen." He said and disappeared into the hallway.

Liam sighed and followed after him, his pajama pants shuffling across the floor. He took once last, fleeting glance at his warm bed, then left towards the kitchen.

He stumbled over the pile of grocery bags placed carelessly across the floor.

"You could've put them away before waking me 5am..." He said the last part with notable annoyance. Alex rolled his eyes from the floor, where he was currently shifting through multiple bags.

Naughty Squids 2 (splatoon Lemons/Love story) RATED FOR AGES 18+ ONLY!!!Where stories live. Discover now