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The day after Liam got back, him and Alex immediately went to the wedding dress shop, where they'd debated if he should wear a dress or not. It was a breezy summer day and almost every inkling was out in the plaza enjoying it.

Instead of playing turf war, eating icecream, or even simply enjoying the sunny day, Alex and Liam were baking under the sun for what seemed like hours, staring through the window at the rows of white ruffles and beads.

Alex had convinced him to at least look at the dresses, since he couldn't persuade him to actually try one on. Maybe he'd see one that made him want to try some on. But Liam couldn't do it.

Though, he also couldn't lie to himself, the dresses were pretty, and he really wanted to try them on. But he couldn't imagine himself strolling down the aisle in a frilly dress with lace and an open back. The thought made his cheeks pinken like a strawberry.

"You wouldn't have to wear a dress down the aisle ya'know." Alex mentioned as they strolled about the plaza, going nowhere in particular. Liam turned his head, slightly bewildered. 'Can he hear what I'm thinking?'
Honestly, after all they'd gone through, he wouldn't be surprised if he could.

"I don't see what the point of buying a dress is then. If I'm not gonna wear it, why get it?" He said sarcastically. Alex shrugged.

"I'm saying, you could wear a suit and tie down the aisle, and wear a dress for the reception." He suggested and winked. He held a stupid grin on his face, as if it was the best idea he'd ever come up with. Liam rolled his eyes. Dork.

"Maybe we-." Liam started, but they were cut off by another couple walking between them, looking like they were having much more fun than them right now.

"What?" Alex asked, as soon as they were reunited.

"I-I said, maybe it'll be easier- better- if we don't have a whole, big ceremony.." He said disheartedly. " 'Know what I mean?"

Alex shook his head with confusion. "But I thought this is what you wanted. Not just to marry me, but also to use it as an excuse to throw a giant party. I swear that's exactly what you said to me." He winked. Liam chuckled.

"I- I'm not so sure now. Maybe we should keep it to ourselves." He shrugged.

"UHM, I didnt say it had to be a royal wedding where you invite the whole kingdom." Alex continued to tease him. Liam exhaled heavily. With how loud his boyfriend was speaking, he was sure the entirety of inkopolis knew by now.

And looking around, no one seemed to care. And It wasn't like they were the first. A small smiled formed on his lips as he glanced at two inkling females sharing milk tea out of the same cup, and two other inkling boys gazing into eachother's eyes, as if they'd just met the love of their life. Liam's heart fluttered at the sight. It reminded him of when he first met Alex, even if he was still too young to understand, he knew somehow he'd be apart of his life forever.

His small smile expanded into a loving grin. Him and Alex were meant to be together, and it didn't matter what anyone thought about them, because they'd always have eachother, no matter what. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, reminding himself he was still on earth, and not floating above the clouds.

He stopped suddenly, in front of their apartment building in flounder heights. Alex stopped with him, eyeing him with curiously. Liam smiled.

"You're right. We should have a wedding. And- and I- I'll wear a dress." His cheeks warmed with excitement and nervousness. He watched as Alex was caught off guard by his sudden approval, eyes brightening as he turned to face him.

"Really?! Yes!! That's awesome, holy carp, we're gonna have the best wedding ever!!" He shouted excitedly. He lifted Liam by his arms and spun him around, making him laugh by his surprised enthusiasm.

"Okay okay! Alex put me down, people are looking at us!!" He giggled. Alex set him back on his feet, still holding him firmly on the arms. The world continued to move around them, but they stood, stuck in time. By now, the sky was melting into a warm spectrum of orange and pink, and Liam's tentacles reflected the light onto his lover's tan face.

"I thought you said it didn't matter what people thought?" He joked. Liam rolled his eyes in playful annoyance.

"I can't catch a break with you, can I?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Alex moved his face in close to his, so their lips almost brushed.

"Nope." He uttered quietly, but Liam heard it. And right before he kissed, his lips curled into an innocent smirk. Their lips pressed together chastely, enjoying eachother's presence and mutual understanding of how they'd forever be together like this.

The rays of warm sunlight began to cover more of their faces, and Liam pulled away to stare into his boyfriend's comforting eyes.

"I love you Liam." Alex declared softly, and for a second Liam was caught off guard by the abrupt sweetness of his voice. His grin widened with infatuation for his boyfriend's softer side.

"Alex, I- I love you t-" He stuttered, before he stopped short. The calm expression on his face was replaced with shock.

"What's wrong??" Alex asked, in the wake of his boyfriend's sudden discomfort.

Liam was staring into Alex's eyes, but his expression and face suggested he'd just seen a ghost. He gulped lightly and turned on his boots, Alex's eyes followed in the same direction.

Standing idly before them was a girl with familiar mint green tentacles, splayed messily about her head. She was holding a stack of magazines and looked as though she was just about to go through the doors to deliver them. Her orange eyes reflected the shock of seeing him like this suddenly. After all this time, neither were prepared for the abrupt confrontation. As she stared at Liam, she remembered what he said to her, when she exposed her feelings to him. At first she didn't- couldn't- believe it was true. She thought she finally found her destiny, someone who accepted her. But now..

"Melon.." Liam uttered dejectedly. He still remembered her name, and he couldn't tell Alex but, he still thought about her too. Specifically the way she looked when her spirit seemed to crush completely when he rejected her.

She shifted her gaze and stared in disbelief at the inkling boy standing next to Liam, as if she didn't think he was real, until now..

She stared back at Liam, eyes welling with hot tears. She felt betrayed, as if she'd just caught someone trying to steal a magazine without a subscription.

Liam's eyes widened. "Mel-"
But before he could finish she turned her back towards him and pushed the doors open, disappearing into the building. He didn't know what he would've said if she didn't leave. He wasn't doing anything wrong, he had a boyfriend, and he didn't mean for her to start courting over him. Yet, he still felt as though he'd just gotten caught doing something filthy.

Alex's voice broke through suddenly.

"HELLO. I'm still here, what the fuck is going on?!" Alex chimed. Liam broke his gaze from the doors to look at Alex instead. He was about to tell him he loved him before he saw her broken gaze reflected in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, it's just-It's nothing.." He sighed, dropping the question. He felt sick all of a sudden, and he was so happy before. "Let's just go."

Alex grabbed his arm.

"No, tell me. I've never seen that girl before. Who is she, a-and why..." He trailed off. Liam's face reflected a hurt puppy's.

"Fine, we'll talk about it inside." He complied.

"I really don't know if I can.." Laim responded.

His heart was still pounding as they walked inside, as if nothing happened. Liam's head was cloudy. He couldn't even remember what they were talking about before...

Liam rubbed his eyes. He just hoped they wouldn't run into her again.


Uhmm. Yeah
So this has been sitting around for months, waiting for me to finish it
I just didn't know how to bring an end to something like that...

Well obviously this isn't the end :>
So I hope you stay for more!

Naughty Squids 2 (splatoon Lemons/Love story) RATED FOR AGES 18+ ONLY!!!Where stories live. Discover now