A Ninja Assassin? Okay...

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The sharp chirping of what sounded like an alarm pierced Liam's sleeping mind. He groaned lightly as he stumbled into consciousness, immediately searching for the thing that woke him. He squirmed beneath Alex's arms, (which were wrapped messily around him) and sat up. He focused his gaze at their Callie Alarm clock, trying to make out the blurry numbers.

He scoffed. It was nearly 3am, why did Alex set the alarm for this time. He pressed the snooze button and snuggled back under the covers.

He hated waking up in the middle of the night; he might not even be able to fall back asleep. Nonetheless he shut his eyes. He was dozing off until the loud sound awoke him again. He sucked his teeth in annoyance. It couldn't be the alarm clock...

"Then what the f-" He squinted and searched around the room until he heard the sound again. This time he saw a light go off on the other side of there bed. He made a sound of contempt as he finally realized what had woken him. It was Alex's phone, which he always forgets to silence before bed.

Liam huffed and clumsily stretched over his still sleeping boyfriend to reach the nightstand on the other end. He all but sat on Alex's face as he tried to extend his body. Eventually he had to get out of bed to reach it, which he wasn't happy about. He winced at the coldness of the floor as he frigidly walked around the bed.

When he finally reached the phone, he motioned to silence it before a text on the screen caught his eye. It was from Anabelle.

Ana: yo, don't forget about tomorrow. I'll be waiting for you. Tell Liam you have to go to the store or smthn so he doesn't get suspicious. ;3 <3

Liam's eyes widened, "what the hell?!" He exclaimed quietly.

Instead of getting angry and kicking Alex out of their bed to wake him up, Liam let himself think. He could be taking this in the wrong way. The reason Alex has been so secretive lately might not be because he was going behind his back or anything, it was probably because he was trying to surprise him with something.

He thought back to when he was still a kid and Alex surprised him with a pre-owned splat roller for his birthday. Apparently he'd spent nearly all he had on it, and it wasn't even brand new. Despite that, it was his first real weapon for Turf Wars, and he remembers nearly crying over it.

Was that the day I started falling in love with him?

Liam smiled softly and chuckled to himself, all the previous frustration now gone.

Yeah, he was probably planning to surprise him.

Liam smiled at the thought, and he let himself believe it. After all, they were engaged. He could have found a place for them to get married, or found the perfect cake flavor. It was probably just a cute harmless surprise that  he shouldn't worry about. If anything, he was ruining the surprise by looking at Alex's text messages.

Liam took a deep breath and put Alex's phone on silent before placing it back on the nightstand. He then padded back over to his side of the bed, and hopped in. A surge of excitement shot through him, and he suddenly felt really really happy. He had the best soon-to-be husband in the world, and he should trust him, even if it was a crappy surprise.

Liam sighed softly and contently as he pulled the covers over him.

He hoped he was right, at least for Alex's sake.


When morning finally came, Alex rose quietly, so he wouldn't wake up his boyfriend, who was breathing steadily beside him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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