éperdument amoureux

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There was a sound of hurried rustling as Ana shifted through the drawers, looking for anything she could find. She gasped in excitement when she found a laptop under the stacks of neatly folded clothes.

She looked back at the door to make sure no one was coming in, before crossing her legs and opening it.

Earlier, Alex had asked her to find out who this inkling girl is, since apparently she's been stalking Liam. Come to think of it, she didn't really know who this girl was either, which was strange since she'd talked to nearly everyone who lived here during her ongoing turf war battles. Of course she'd seen her plenty of times when she delivered magazines to her front door, but she never bothered to talk to her. She couldn't even remember the first time she saw her...
It's as if she just suddenly appeared out of no where one day.

Between the screen and the keyboard was an envelope, with nothing written on it. She reached inside and pulled out what looked to be a picture. Ana squinted and held it up to the light.

"What's this??"

It looked like a picture of inkopolis, if it were taken about 100 years ago. It was all faded and old looking. Underneath the picture were the words 'promised land' written in permanent marker.

Anabelle furrowed her brows.

'What the hell is that supposed to mean?'

She turned her attention back to the laptop, which was now displaying a password request for access.

'Oh shit' she thought. How the hell was she supposed to know. She suppressed a giggle and started typing, L I A M.

'Password denied'

"Cod dammit..." She huffed and glanced back at the photo, specifically what was written on it. She narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

'She wouldn't be that dumb...'

But still, it was worth a shot. Hesitantly, she typed out the words "promised land". The screen loaded, and loaded, and loaded, until she was brought to a callie wallpaper.

She fist bumped the air in excitement. Melon was probably still digging for her phone, naive enough to leave Ana alone in her room. She couldn't really understand how someone as cute and innocent looking as her could be a creepy stalker. Then again, looks can be deceiving. Even sexy looks...

Anabelle blushed and shook the thought from her mind. She looked back at the screen, which showed only two windows; a file search and an internet search.

She opened the files to find multiple unnamed documents. She clicked the first one, and another picture popped up. This time it was a better picture of inkopolis with text underneath it. It read;

'Congratulations number 10,008 on completing the required trials to reach the promised land. It's been an honor serving as your conductor during our time together. Here is a certificate of authenticity of your success, and I wish you more while your above ground.


'Trials??? Certificate???? Above ground????? What the hell is going on here'

She thought and exited the document. She opened the next one. For this one, there were paragraphs of text. Anabelle rolled her eyes. She would've stayed in school if she wanted to do all this reading. But then again, she loved being nosy. She stuck out her tongue playfully.

Her eyes skimmed quickly through the passage. From what she gathered they seemed to be letters, not written by her however, but by someone else. Whoever they were, they loved talking to her. Maybe they knew more about her..

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