Tell Me

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< where did you go?

>Just taking care of business L, don't wait up for me..

<it's only fucking 3pm, And you're not in the bathroom, I checked..

>HA HA HA, Before you burn my clothes, I'm not cheating on u, I just need to take care of something real quick.

<what are you taking care of???

>something important...

<like what?

>b u s i n e s s

<mhm 😒

>look, just don't burn my clothes... or my video games...

>..even though for some strange reason I feel like you're going to do it anyway...

<and for some strange reason I'm still attracted to you...

>I'll remind you why later 😏😏😏



Alex sat on one of the stools in the cafe, slowly sipping his iced coffee. He heard the door chime, and footsteps draw closer to him. He swiveled around to face the person he'd been waiting for.

"You came..." He stated casually.

A girl with dark blue tentacles, similar to his own, looked up at him through piercing gray eyes. She smiled cooly.

"You called?" She took a seat next to him, resting her arms on the counter in front of them.

Alex sipped from his coffee again.

"Needya to take care of a job for's Liam, more specifically a girl whose been bugging him.." He breathed.

The girl raised her eyebrow in interest.

"I need you to find out who she is. Liam won't tell me.." he stated casually.

"Oh? What makes you think I can do that?" She smirked.

Alex put his coffee down. "I know you can, Ana." He stated, and looked up at her again. She licked her lips eagerly.

"I can do it, but, we haven't talked about price." She rested her cheek on her hand slyly.

Alex narrowed his eyes as she looked him up and down. "What do you want..."

"You know what I want...." She breathed and stared at him intently.

He gasped, "If you're talking about my rare, golden edition, callie trading card, then NO WAY!" He barked suddenly.

She started to whine, "oh come onnn! It's the only one I'm missing!!"

"No way! It took me ages to find that, I'm not just gonna give it up!!" He protested. She groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, I'll settle for a slice of pizza this Saturday. How's that?" She smirked again. Alex blushed and looked away. "Yeah, yeah, okay.." He said stubbornly.

Naughty Squids 2 (splatoon Lemons/Love story) RATED FOR AGES 18+ ONLY!!!Where stories live. Discover now