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And it was the amazing invention of ... oh well you find out later.

~time skips~

"Ok mom I'm off to the expo!!!" You say enthusiastically. "Ok bye I wish I could go but you know how work is" your mom said. "I wish you could come too but I guess I'll see you later ... after work" you said flatly. You ran as fast as you could to the expo, everything was a blur as you ran. I wonder what they will think of my invention, I mean it's pretty simple but could help growing food. My inventions could probably change the world one day, I wonder what the other inventors inventions are like maybe simple like mine? It doesn't matter as long as I do my best but I don't think I did my best ... why am I doubting myself?

Just then you bumped into a long ladder, "ow" you yelped. The ladder was see sawing on one side, about ready to fall over "oh no" you thought. But it was too late the ladder flopped down and something quite heavy fell upon you knocking you off your feet. When you finally regained your focus there was a boy who didn't seem much older than you but with sky-blue eyes, a apron, goggles upon his head,little freckles on his his nose, and black hair. Wait a minute ... there was a light blue streak that was across his hair like someone used a paint brush on his hair. " I'm so sorry, super sorry," you said. He seemed to study your face. " it's okay, don't sweat it, I mean it's just a accident right?" The stranger said. You felt like you had to owe him some how ... but how? Then you spotted a banner. " you were putting up that banner right? Let me help you with that" you said. " No that's ok I got it," he said Cooly. But it was too late you were already climbing up the ladder and tying the banner up. " T-t-hanks" he stuttered. "So are you participating in the expo too?" You asked. " why yes I am, my invention will be quite amazing and it's for a certain someone," he's said. " by the way what's your name?" You asked. " oh why it's varian of course, and yours?". " my name is (whatever name you want)"you stated. " nice to meet you" he said with a warm smile. A smile kind and cheerful enough to give some sort of feeling but what was it? You weren't quite sure.

"Well I'll see you and your invention in a little bit" he said. "Oh right the expo starts in another couple of hours," you thought. " see you then" you responded back to him."

Pretty short but I did my best. Second chapter

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