She was given the box, told not to open it. He yelled at her and commanded her but curiosity took hold of her like a chain. It was so small, like a jeweler box, how can it be this harmful.
"Why can't I open this? It's a mere chest of jewelry." She told.
His voice boomed and echoed in the sky. 'Never open it or all of humanity shall fall. I command you not to!'
She rolled her eyes and stalked off, the tiny thing in her palms. After some time she grew tired, sitting under a tree she pondered. 'What is so dangerous inside? Why so small?' She couldn't take it anymore. 'Just a small peak inside then no more.' She sang in her head.
Bringing it up to her eyes she slowly lifted the lid, a slight cream filling the air. Silence as inside swirled black mist. Suddenly it broke loose, terrible things rushed out and filled the sky.
Humanity was lost, Pandora opened the box.
Collection of Short Stories
Short StoryThis is just a collection of short stories I write. Enjoy❤️