Chapter- 7

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Blake's POV

I followed Melanie out into the hallway. Then her phone started to ring. She answered it but I couldn't understand what she was talking about. Suddenly her face went pale and she started to cry while sliding down the lockers behind her and pulled her knees into her chest with her head down.

"Melanie what's wrong?" I said running over to her.

"N-nothing" She said still crying.

"Melanie you can tell me"

"M-my boyfriend ch-cheated on m-me" she said stuttering and I sat there shocked at her words.

"I don't see how somebody could do that to some one so beautiful." I said softly. She looked up at me with the tears still in her eyes then we both stood up.

"Thank you Blake" she said hugging me.

"Your welcome" I said.

We started walking to the cafeteria and she quickly wiped away her tears so nobody would suspect anything. She was back to normal in a matter of seconds but I could still see the sadness in her eyes.

When we entered the cafeteria Ashley, Taylor, and Josh looked very confused.

"What was that all about?" Taylor asked

"Oh uh nothing" Melanie said quickly

"ok anyways do you wanna come over to my house after school? Ashley's coming." Taylor said.

"Umm sure why not" Melanie said

As I walked to my class after lunch I thought about Melanie, How could he do that to her? He better be a good runner if I ever meet him.

At the end of the day I saw Melanie outside and ran over to her.

Melanie's POV

"Hey Melanie" Blake said running up to me.

"Hi" I said.

"Umm I sorta have a random question" he said sceptically

"What is it?"

"Well um when is your 16th birthday?" he asked

"Well its in one month, its June 12th." I answered

"Oh I was just wondering."

"Oh well then when is yours?" I asked just because.

"I'm already 16."

"Then how are you a Freshman?"

"Uh I got held back a long time ago"

"Oh well anyways I have to go" I said trying to get out of the awkward situation.

"Oh uh ok bye, Talk to you later." He said with hesitation.

"Ok bye Blake" I said smiling.

As he walked one Direction Kaleb, Luke, and Cameron came from the other.

Once we got home I went straight to my room. I just sat there and cried. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door.

"Melanie, can I come in?" My mom asked

"S-Sure m-m-mom" I said through my crying.

"Melanie, are you ok?" She said walking in and sitting next to me on my bed.

"No, a-actually I'm n-not"

"What happened sweety?"

"W-Well E-Ethan cheated on m-me."

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