Chapter- 8

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Anna's POV

I woke up on time today which surprised me. I got up and took a shower.

I went to my closet and put on ripped black skinny jeans, A lace blue shirt, and black knee-high converse. I then straightened my hair and brushed my teeth. As I walked down the stairs I heard people arguing and I realized it was Cameron and Luke. They were probably arguing over some stupid reason like always. Last time it was because Luke went to a party without Cameron. I guess its some twin thing but I really don't know.

"Why would you do that?" Cameron yelled

"You know I didn't mean to" Luke yelled back

"But you know I really liked her!" Cam yelled again

"I'm sorry but you didn't tell me you liked her like that!" Luke yelled even louder

"Well I thought when I told you that you would get the memo!"

"But I didn't you should have been more specific!"

"Wow you really are as dumb as everybody thinks!"

"Boys stop that right now!" I here my mom yell and that's the last thing I can understand do to Mason screaming from his room.

I walk over to Mason's room and pick him up and said "Goodbye Mason see you after school."

"Bye Bye sissy." he says then I kiss his forehead and lay him back down. I walk back up to my room grab my back pack and walk downstairs. Kaleb is waiting for me.

"Mom says they aren't coming to school today, so lets go" he said

"Okay" I say as we head outside.


When we got to the school I got out of the jeep and started walking away when Kaleb yelled "WATCH OUT!!" with concern in his voice. Before I could react I felt numb with pain and I fell into darkness.


Blake's POV

I here the screeching of car brakes and people shouting. The screeching stopped but people keep yelling, screaming, and crying.

I look over and see Melanie lying on the ground blood all around her body and cuts and scrapes all over her. Her body is lifeless no movements. I stand there shocked for a moment then I hurridly run to her side.

"Melanie everything will okay I promise" I whisper. I sit there holding her hand for a few minutes when I hear sirens.

The ambulance stops right next to us and the principle talks with the paramedics while they get the people out of the car and put Melanie on a stretcher.

Her brother comes over to me and I stand up.

"Do you want to ride with me to the hospital?" he asked

"Yes" I say quickly

"C'mon" he motioning me to follow him.

I then relized that I had been crying and I looked at her brother who looked like he had been crying to.

"Did you call your mom?" I ask

"Yes, she is on her way to the hospital." he says

"okay" I say then silently look out the window


When we arrived to the hospital we found out Melanie had been sent to emergency surgery. Melanie's Mom was holding her little brother and they were both crying. I looked over at her other brothers they all had worried looks on there face's. My eyes were blood-shot from crying and my face was red. My mom and dad came and they were worried too. I kept hearing them talk about how if she had already shifted she wouldn't have been hurt so badly. And My wolf was sad and wouldn't talk to me. He was way more worried than anybody here. My wolf's name is Carter and he is Pure Black The only one in my pack.


"Honey, you should come home and get some rest" my mom said after about 5 hours of sitting around.

"I can't, and I won't" I said

"You can, and you should" she said softly

"I can't" I argued

"You need the rest, she will be fine"

"Ok whatever!" I snapped sadly.


When we got home they tried to get me to eat dinner but I couldn't so I went to my room. I layed there thinking for hours. I finally looked over at my small clock. It said 2:37am and I groaned. I just sat there and sat there then finally sleep took over.

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