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Melanie's POV

I woke up and looked out of my window to see a moving truck. Today was Friday, and they were going to pack our stuff while we were at school then we would leave on a plane after school. Why did my mom have to take the job offer?...I mean I understand it pays better and we need the money but I'm still not happy.

I took a shower and Brushed my Brown curly hair, I put on a White Lacey dress, a black sweater, and to top it off black snd white converse. I decided to only wear black and eye-liner and mascara it really made my blue eyes pop.

I looked at my clock It was 7:05 I needed to get to my bus stop like now or I would miss the bus. So I ran down the stairs and as I passed My oldest brother Kaleb who is 18 and I yelled good bye.

As I ran to my bus stop I saw My bestfriend Maycee.

"Hey Mel!" she yelled

"Hey May!" I yelled back.

She was wearing black skinny jeans, A purple Hollister shirt, and Blue converse.

She hugged me and we talked about how I was moving and all my friends were sad. Just then My phone beeped and I looked at it, it was my Boyfriend Ethan.

(Ethan=E Melanie=M)

E-Hey :'(

M- Hey r u ok?

E- I'm just sad that ur moving...

M- Its ok Ethan plz don't be sad Everything will be fine.

E- Ok see u at school

M- bye

"Who was that?" Maycee asked

"Oh it was just Ethen." I answered

"Oh what did he say?"

"Just that he is sad that I'm moving, I'm gonna miss you guys so much!" I said hugging her again.

"I'm gonna miss you too!" she said

Then the bus pulled up and we got on and sat in our usual spot at the back. On the way to school we talked about how we would call eachother everyday.

When we got off I saw Ethan by The sign that said "Berkeley California Highschool" And walked over to him he was looking the other way. So I kissed him on the cheek and he looked at me.

"Hey Mel" he said smiling.

"Hey" I said

We talked for I few minutes and I relized how perfect his brown hair was and how white his perfectly straight teeth were. He was so cute.

We started to make our way to the school and to our lockers which were right next to each other. We got our books for first period which we didn't have together he had Biology and I had English.

He kissed me on the cheek then we said goodbye.

I went to My English class and saw Maycee already there sitting at her desk.

"Hi may" I said sitting next to her.

"Hello Melanie" she said pretending to be professional and we both burst out laughing. When the teacher Mrs.Jamison came in we quickly stopped and looked at the teacher.


By lunch I was really hungry. And I went to the cafiteria and bought a sandwhich, an apple, and an orange juice.

I walked to my table and Already sitting there were Maycee, Ethan, And a few other people.

I sat down said Hi and started to eat. once I was done I talked Till lunch was over, then went to my locker, and got what I needed for the rest of the day.


When school was over I went outside to wait for the buses to get there. When they were There I got on 5 minutes later Maycee got on and sat next to me. when we got off she walked with me to my house.

When we went in There was nothing in there eccept my mom sitting on the steps holding my 4 year old sleeping brother, Mason.

"Hi mom" I said quietly and she looked up

"Hi Melanie, Hi Maycee." she said

"Hi Mrs.Johnson" Maycee said.

"Melanie did you clean out your locker?" My mom asked

"Yes" I stated

"Well take your back pack out to the moving truck, and grab your carry-on from your room." she said.

"Ok" I said

I did as she told me to not like I could do what I wanted I'm Only a 15-year-old Freshman.

Maycee followed me as I did so.

Then we went outside and sat on my porch and Ethan showed up.

"Hey Ethan." I yelled

"Hey Mel" He yelled back

Then Maycee wispered to me "I'll give you two some privacy." and walked away. I walked over to him.

"So..." i said softly

"Melanie I'm gonna miss you so much."

"I know I'm gonna miss you alot too." I said trying to hold back the tears.

"Don't cry Mel" he said

Then he kissed me for the first time and I kissed back. It was my first kiss. Suddenly I here "Keep It PG"

And look over to see my two twin brothers Cameron and Luke they are both 16.

I blushed and hugged Ethan tightly. The we held hands and walked over to my house past my idiotic brothers.

Then my mom yelled "Time to go." I hugged Maycee and I started to cry. Then I hugged Ethan and I cried more. I grabbed my carry-on And kissed Ethan on the cheek. And hugged maycee one more time. They yelled bye as I got into the passenger seat.

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