Chapter- 3

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Melanie's POV

The movers started to bring our items in after they arrived. After they brought in my furniture they brought in my suit cases and boxes so I unpacked. I was done by 6:05pm and my mom had bought spaghetti from some place about 2 miles away. We sat at the table in the dinning room and ate talking about school tomorrow which I am not looking forward to.

I walked up the stairs and went up to my room. I sat on my bed and my phone buzzed in my pocket.

I took it out and saw the screen.

I quickly answered it.

M- Hey Ethan!

E- Hey Mel!

M- How are you?

E- I'm good, How do you like it so far?

M- Ehh, But I got a really big room and I'm The only one on the Third level!!

E- Cool, I just wanted to call and ask but I have to go.

M- Okay bye I miss You!

E- I miss you too bye


I turned on my TV and put on Pretty Little Liars.

I watched it and dozed off to sleep.


Beep! Beep! Beep!

I hit the button on my alarm clock and It immediately stopped.

I got up and Got in the shower when I got out I looked through my closet. I put on a lacy black shirt, and a floral skirt, with my black converse. I brushed my hair and put a braid on one side and clipped it in with a small black bow.

I grabbed my Back pack and ran downstairs. I grabbed a granola bar. and Sat at the table with Kaleb And Luke. I don't know where Cameron was but he better hurry up Because Kaleb was gonna drive us to school. Kaleb is a Senior, Cameron and Luke are Sophmore, I'm a Freshman, and Mason is in Preschool.

Cameron finally decided to come out of his room on the second floor and join us. He took a banana and ate it quickly. Then we all got into Kaleb's red Jeep.

When we got to the high school It looked real small because this is a small town I guess. On the sign it said 'Welcome to Fairbanks Central High school'. And I thought to myself A new high school in the middle of a school year is going to be bad.

Kaleb parked the jeep and we all got out we started to walk across the parking lot. I couldn't help but notice that everybody around was staring at us But we just kept walking.

When we got to the door We all walked in and Everybody in their stared at us too!

We made our way to the office and got our schedules and locker numbers and combinations. I was happy because My locker far away from my brothers. I walked to my locker, put my books in there, grabbed my Math books and art supplies because they were my first classes, then slammed my locker shut.

When I did so I noticed a guy wearing a gray T-shirt, regular jeans, and a black jacket. Also Him being probably 1/2 ft taller than me walking towards me. He came over to me and I said "Umm Hi?"

"Hey you must be new my name is Blake, Blake Archous, what's yours?" He said.

"Umm...I'm Melanie, Melanie Johnson." I said.

"That's a nice name, anyways do you need any help getting around the school?" he asked

"Umm maybe."

"Okay what class do you have first?"

"M-Math" I stuttered.

"Ok are you a Freshman or Sophmore?"

"A-a Freshman."

"Oh we have the same class then." he said gesturing for me to follow him. I obeyed him immediately and thought Maybe this day won't be so bad.

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