True Colours

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OK, so it wasn't a few more minutes. It was a few more hours because this stupid plane can move faster than 3km/h. At this point, we're not going to reach wherever it is we need to be before nightfall. And we left at noon!!!

At least that gives JJ more time to get ready. But first I have to get this damn boom out of my neck. It's been irritating me since it got in.

Looking down at my nails, I forced them to grow and sharpen. Powers are working again. Thank God. Weak but still working. It might take some time before they're back to normal. Lifting up my hand to below my ear and nicked it just above where I thought the busted thing was. Feeling around for it, I pushed it up but wasn't to get it out. Fucker has legs and moved to a different location. Healing the cut, I turned my nails back to normal. Crossed my legs and leaned back to look around me.

"Hey" and the annoying Aussie speaks "is he suppose to be green like that" hey is a Crocodile based human thing meant to be in the air above the water. I think not. Everyone turned to look at him but I'm smart and already know what's going to happen.





1.... "Oh" Harley squealed before finishing off with " Party foul!" as she blocked her nose, "not cool" looking disgusted at him as did everyone else.

From where I was sitting I was able to notice that the helicopter was sloping down and looked out of the window. That city is going up in smoke. Quite literally. Oh well. The destructive lights look pretty though. Got to look on the good side you know. Plus these people aren't going to let other people out in the 'dangerous' streets. Nope, but they'd let me so I'm going to treat myself with everything that I see.

"Oh look at the pretty lights" oh my darling Harley. You really are a child at heart " Are you guys seeing this?" she asked before sticking her head back out the window. Deadshot looked at her before turning to Rick and asked: "what happened?" Rick took off his helmet before telling him it was a terrorist attack. "Dirty bombs, bad guys shooting up the place with AKs. You know the usual shit" No one believes that. Not even Harley and she thinks JJ or Mr J loves her more than he loves me. Just because he kept her around. He doesn't. Not at all. He loves ME. NOT HER. ME.

"You are a really bad liar," I said tilting my head while looking at him. " Why you say that," he said trying to figure out how I knew. Smirking I tilted my head the other way. " Your heart" After that I flipped my hair and looked out the window.

I let them talk around no longer caring about what they were saying. I've already made my mark. After all, I am amazing. I mean look at me. Plus those two are just male wolves fighting to become the Alpha. Not very interesting if you ask me.

Suddenly I'm not in my seat anymore. Fuck, I don't think the planes in the air anymore. Sparks there're sparks. There shouldn't be sparks. The plane shouldn't be falling out of the sky. I should be in my seat prepare myself for all the jewellery that I can have. Why the fuck is everyone screaming. STOP SCREAMING. Oh my god.

OK. I'm OK it's spotted moving. It finally spotted moving. This is good. This is very good. Oh. that didn't happen. I didn't freak out. I stayed on the plane and watched as everyone stepped out. Once they had. I stood up and strutted down the middle of the hall. Acting like the Queen of Gotham that I am.

" Wanna hurry up a little princess?" asked the annoying Aussie. Speeding over to him, I grabbed this neck and squeezed enough to restrain his breathing " I. Am. A. Queen. I will. Be respected. Like one"I sneered before toss him aside. " Ey, how come she got to do that?" asked Harley. Of course, she spoke out. Now that we're out of the place and out here her hatred is showing. And I guess mine is too. But to be honest, I wasn't nice to her in the cage. Rick just turned back, looked at her and said " she didn't vex me"

We walked on and the soldiers kept in front of us. Don't know why there's no one here. Except for the burning cars. This really was a terrible "terrorist" attack. However, if you remove the burning cars and add a couple people's. You get your everyday town. SO once whoever is in charge of cleaning up cars and the streets does that, then everything is going to be alright.

Maybe not. They need a significant amount of people to clean up this street. Like a lot. Oh well sucks to be them.

I may not know what The Aussie and Slipknot are talking about but I know it's not good. Which means it's going to be interesting. Well, what is this? Looks like we weren't the only ones to fell from the sky. Then Aussie and Slipknot went and attacked everyone that was surrounding them. Slipknot clearly got the easy ones because Aussie got Katana. He throws a boomerang at her but that didn't stop her. No, it did not. She just flipped right over it and ran after him.

Slipknot however just shot up at one of the building and hustled himself up above everyone. The soldiers automatically pointing their guns up at him as he soars up. " Hold your fire," said Rick once he saw what was going on.

Katana still had Aussie up against the wall with her katana on his neck. I don't think she wants his soul in her katana. She was glaring at him when his boomerang came back to him.

I was very right when I said this was going to be interesting. My head can't pick where to continue looking but Slipknot seem more interesting as he actually has a chance at leaving. Or at least he did. Looks like there actually is a bomb in our necks as he no longer has a head. He is definitely going to haunt Aussie. Its likely want they were talking about and by the look on his face, ( Aussie, not Slipknot, he doesn't have a head, let alone a face) he didn't think that there was actually a bomb. Poor them.

"Now that's a killer app," Harley said clearly happy with what just happened.

"Okay. You wanna keep playing the Hollywood Squares version of "I'll blow your fucking head off"? Are you next? " Rick spat out looking at the others as if they were the piece of gum that stuck to his favourite pairs of boots. Me and Deadshot just rolled our eyes at the display and at anyone who went to rub at the chip in their necks.

" You tripping homie." and let the gun show begin. Rick turned back and looked at Deadshot with a pleased look. He's probably been waiting for the right reason to blow his brains out. "You next Deadshot?"

"You just threatened me?"

"Oh, yeah"

"He just threatened me," Deadshot informed all of us laughing at Rick. So like the good little soldiers he is, he continued moving. No matter how displeased he was with not having the final word.

Deadshot waited until I reached him before saying " I'm going to kill him"

"Well you better do it quick 'causes he's going to start picking us off one by one"

As we walked he told me this plan. How he was going to get rid of everyone and where I came in. And how they would get the little bugs out of our neck. With the help of JJ of course.

"You're my friend, too"

"Stay evil, your majesty. I'll spread the word."

It might just be me but Rick keeps looking my way. Probably intimidated by him. Or I'm just that beautiful. I do have the grace and elegance of a goddess. So I don't really blame him.

I continued walking as Deadshot told Harley and the Aussie. Watching as the plan slowly made its way into everyone's minds. I wasn't surprised when Harley came up to me.

"Why didn't you tell me that Mr.j was on his way" I only looked at her for a brief second before looking forward. " Why does it matter "

"It matters because he's here for me and I can't be seen with these losers"

While I and Harleen were having a little chat. Aussie and Croc were having on of their one. Only it didn't end nearly as nice as me and Harleen's.

He got smacked into a pile of rubbish. The dumbass caused everyone to turn and look at him with disbelieve. SO while Harleen went up to him, I shook my head and sped up to Deadshot.

You know what. This scene that's right in front of me, really shows how bad of a liar Rick Flag is. As no terrorist attack could ever from massive spikes in the ground and split a car in two. None.

And even if there was one that could I don't think it would leave a weird blue slime surrounding everything. Everything here is quite disgusting if I do say so myself.

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