My Story.My Tale

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WARNING contains a buttload of flashbacks. it's all in italic just in case I don't make it clear enough. Prepare yourself

Everyone was sitting in silence after hearing Flameheads confession. I mean it's terrible and he's not ONCE thought he wasn't in the wrong. Since we've got here, he's been pretending that he's better than all of us. When he's, worse. We've all done terrible things. Killed all sorts of people but never children. Anyways I'm brooding and drinking. And brooding some more.

I think everyone knew I was pissed and stayed away. Better for me. I really don't wanna ta-

"So what's the story with you?"

For fuck's sake, really. Really does it look like I wanna talk to anyone right now? I glared up at the damned idiot who thought it was a smart idea to talk to me when I was glaring at my drink.


I looked back at my drink, watching as the amber liquid twirl in the glass. My story. What was my story? But why was he interested.

"My story, my tale, my bedtime story. Why?"

"I'm interested."

Ah well. It wouldn't hurt to tell him and the others. Would it? It's not like they could use it against me. I'm proud of my story and the chaos I caused, of the pain of others that offered me power.

"Well if everyone's listening then I'd like to begin. You're all gonna listen to it anyways.

My story begins at the fragile age of 6 when I first started to when I started showing signs of magic. Now Mummy and Daddy dearest decided to make me their precious science project. I hadn't started school yet so no one was any suspicion. They took me down to their science lab that all scientist seem to have in their home. Then had their scientific way with me.

They were one of the scientists devoted to replicating the formula used in Captain America. Thought I was the key. -I wasn't the way. I'm much better than that grandpa will never be.- They forgot who I was. That I was their daughter. That I was 6. But that I never forgot who they were meant to be. this went on for 10 years. 10 long painful years.

"Mummy please.... please I'm scared. Mummy help me. NOOOOO MUMMY PLEASE. Help me."





"I promise I'll be good. I'll be better. Just don't leave me

I had been burnt, broken, drained and starved. So, I did to them want they did to me. I tortured them. I stole their minds from them. I stole their will to live from them. Just like they did me.

They thought the world would thank them that I'd thank them. Thank them for robbing my life from me.

But I made them proud. I become everything they wanted me to be. I'm stronger than they could have ever imagined. More Perfect.

I watched as Mummy walked into the room. She's still wearing her pure white lab coat. Her brown eyes that I use to find comfort in, were filled with envy and power lust. She looked exactly the same as the first day that she locked me down here. She still had her long blond hair and slim body. Yet the warmth that surrounded her had gone cold.

She grinned at my shivering body that had pushed itself into the corner of my cage.

"Come on, honey. Mama wants to make you look so pretty. No one's going to love you if you look like that. Let me help"

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