My Happy Ever After

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Anyways Life is back to normal. Only with a few more perks. Like Harley and I are still cage mates. But we have an espresso machine and my meds have been reduced. Which means that I can fly around the cage and make tiny streams of magic. They refused to get rid of my meds completely. Can't win everything I guess. 

Deadshot is allowed to see his daughter every so often. But he has to go with Flag and he can't be in a room alone with her. He also can't be there long but any letters go straight to him now, instead of being hidden from him. 

Croc still lives in his sewer but now he gets to pick what he eats and not have someone else pick it for him like he's a common animal. Also, he got a T.V.

The Aussie is somewhere in a metal cage. With nothing. Not even a bed. Boy, shouldn't have tried to challenge Weller. She is a crueller mistress than Death. Now' he's been degraded down to less than the speck of dust that found its way onto his guards' clothes.

Katana was never a villain so she gets off. Free to do whatever she wants. Like, kill the people who killed her husband and talk to the spirit of her husband in her sword. And not get a reply back.

June Moon is safe form any evil ancient that might want to process her body. She doing whatever she wants with whoever she wants - most likely Flag- when she wants. Because she's not in a cage. Because she still has the love of her life right beside her. Ready to risk his life to save her if anything tried to take her away from him. 

If you can't tell I'm very bitter. More upset really. The cage doesn't upset me nearly as much as it did before. Maybe because I knew that JJ was looking for me. But now? Now I'm all alone in this stupid world with ridiculously good coffee and green tea.

It could be worse. I could be with the Aussie or be as powerless like June. But I'm not. Each time I take one of their stupid pills, I drop the other in Harley's drink with her meds. So my magic is finding a way to work with the damn drugs in my system. Which means when I finally stop taking them that my powers will be stronger than ever.

I guess I did win. Because once I get out of here, I'm going to make what I did to all the scientist in my life look like child's play.

That sounds right. Can't have them coming after me again. Can I.


Rubble went flying everywhere. Causing Harley and I to move to the furthest corner of our cage and duck. As the smoke settled, I could see several armed men rushing into the building. They don't look like the usual people that come in here. And I know we didn't ask for a different group of babysitters. What's the point of that? We like the ones we have.

As the men came into the room, they started shooting at the people who came down to check what the noise was. Which tells me one thing, even though they're wearing the same uniform that the babysitters wear. They are most certainly not babysitters. Nope.

They surrounded our cage, shooting anyone that came too close for their liking. And like that, I knew who these costume wearing non-babysitters were. They were my costume loving subject that came to break their Queen out of her cage.

Giddy, I moved into the centre of the cage, looking around for Frost or anyone else that could have pulled this together. I watched as someone walked up to the door with a metal cutter? Chain blade. Oh, I don't know what it was. It's not that important. 

Anyways he cut away the lock on the door before stepping back and letting someone else open the door. They walked in letting I see the lettering that decorated the front of their jacket.


I felt my heart race as I waited for this to end up being a cruel trick. That my JJ was, in fact, dead and would never be coming back for me. That I was going to be alone when I got out of here.

I waited and waited for something else to happen as the person - who may or may not be the love of my life - to remove the mask that covered their face. They removed it slowly only showing inch after inch or their pale face. The second I saw the Roman Times Fonte J on his left cheek I knew who it was. 

I didn't let him finish before jumping and shoving him to the ground. 

"You're here, you're actually here"

JJ moved to stand up causing me to tighten my grip around his neck. Letting him know that I wasn't going to let go soon. He wrapped his arms around me, picking us both off the floor.

"Let's go home"

Now, this would have been a wonderful place to end this but I wasn't the only person in this room. Harley Quinn was also here. Shellshocked but here. So let the complaining begin.

"Why her? Why is it always her?"

JJ didn't answer her the way she wanted. He simply looked at her before laughing this head off.

"Because darling, I love her and not you. I never loved you." Poor Harley, you could actually hear her heartbreaking. I almost felt sorry for her. Almost. I still remember the time when she said "Please let me in. I'll...I'll love you more than she does I'll give you more than she does I promise..... just let me in. I promise I won't hurt you".

Jumping out of my very comfortable position in JJ arms, I turn around to look at her. What a bright future she once had. Standing in front of her, I snapped my fingers. Her eyes contract before the rollback and she falls.

"Goodbye Hun, this will be the last thing you'll ever see us"

Smirking, I turned back to JJ.

"Let's go"

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