who says 'i love you' first ♡

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you were singing in the room minding your business, everyone could hear you and they weren't annoyed by it. it was (your/favorite/song) and he comes in. "Oh my gosh! I love you keep singing." Zion boosted. you were both struck speechless as you hopped off your bed to kiss him repeatedly saying it back.

during your last concert for your tour, you cried, thanking everyone for showing up out of love and support. "I love you (your/hometown)! I want to thank you all for making this tour the best in all my days! I want to thank my loving boyfriend and his friends for supporting me. eddy baby! this is going to be the first time you hear this and you'll hear it for the rest of our time together. I love you! I will always love you! You've always been there for me. through thick and thin. I couldn't ask for anyone else!"
"I love you too baby!" He says into a microphone. He walks out on stage and hugs you tightly as you sob.

you both were watching cartoons all day. not doing much, just your usual lazy sunday's. Cracking jokes together Austin would always stare at you. admiring your beautiful features. he puts his arm around you, pulling you closer.
"(y/n)?" you stop laughing at the cartoons and smile at him.
"I love you." you froze and with a huge smile on your face.
"I love you too."

it was a friday night which is always a wild night. hormones take over you both so you find someplace alone. in his room on his messy bed, he was making sweet love to you. he shouts out he loves you, once he was done. nick lays next to you as you try to figure out what he said.
"what did you say?" he responds casually,
"i said -." he then takes a pause.
"i love you." your heart skips a beat. facing you, kissing your lips again saying, "yeah."
"i love you too." you smile, spooning him, with his head lying on your chest.

Brandon wasn't feeling himself. thoughts were in his head making him want to give up. so angry with how things were. you guys were arguing back and forth to where the guys had to leave the house. he was wanting you to leave as well.
"no, brandon. i'm not leaving! and you can't make me. you can yell at me al you want but i'm not going anywhere."
"why do you put up with me?! i only make things worse.  why can't you just leave me already?"
"because i love you! and i will stay with you." brandon inhaled.
"i love you too." you both were crying by this point and were hugging.

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