you recieve hate comments from a "fan"...

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you grow depressed and try to distance yourself from him. it began to break your relationship, until he read the comments on your Instagram. one telling you to kill yourself. he did everything in his power to keep you from doing that taking a couple of weeks off social media.

you made a YouTube video with him. he does your makeup. you got some great comments about how cute and funny you both were, though there were some that broke your heart and confidence. saying how ugly you are and Edwin deserves better. you end up deleting the video because of all the hate. it didn't solve much but Edwin tweets out that the negativity needs to stop.

everyone had a problem with you. thinking you were only using him for fame. you come across some at a store telling you to watch your back. Austin cursed them out and told them how they weren't true fans.

whenever you received hate comments, he posts on the gram (on the gram wtf????) or twitter and tells everyone how you're the best girlfriend and boosts you in every way possible.

you both weren't worried about it. you both were too happy in your relationship to have that affect you. you see it a lot but you know your the bigger person for not worrying what other people said.

authors note real quick: honestly don't do this shit. if you're a real fan you would support them with everything they do and who they want to be with...we may not like it but we love them. Thats all that matters

 Thats all that matters

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