favorite holiday ♡

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"Zion can you help me out the decorations on the tree. You're the only tall one here." You reach up, standing on your toes to hook the red ornament up. "Very funny (your name). You know there's a thing called a ladder. I think only short people know what that is."
"You have some nerve green giant."
"Headass." He laughs and kisses you. "I'm going to enjoy this Christmas. Holding his arm up, you noticed that there was a mistletoe. "You're so cheesy." You giggle. "But you like it."

"We have to figure out what costumes we want. How much candy we need." You explain walking along the aisle of Walmart. "We need some scary things too."
"It wouldn't be Halloween without things jumping at you scaring the shit out of you." You cheered sarcastically. You noticed that you were talking to yourself. Austin vanished. "I guess I'll look for the things myself. Right when you turned around the corners, someone comes around in a clown mask. You jumped a little. "Alright Austin. That was a classic jump scare." You clapped slowly. Then he comes up behind you. "That's not me." The clown the took out a knife and chased you and Austin. Then it laughed. And you knew that laugh. "Caleb Zion Kuwonu!" You screeched. He took off the mask, laughing his butt off. "I swear to bob you almost gave me a heart attack.

Valentines Day
"What are you guys going to do for Valentine's Day?" Your best friend asks. "I really don't know. I've been waiting for this day and now I don't know what to do."
"Damn it's been so long since you've had a boyfriend you don't know what to give him." You roll your eyes at your best friend. "How about I give him a watch?"
"Nick can buy his own damn self a watch. It had to be something special."
"It is special. It could be engraved, "I want to spend all my time with you." In cursive."
"Don't you think that's too long?"
"No. It sounds perfect." You smile.
"Happy Valentine's Day Nick." You give him a box and a kiss. "Happy Valentine's Day (your name)." He gives you one as well." You both open it and you see a promise ring in there. "Holy shit!" You scream. "Oh my gosh!" Nick did afterward. "Nick. You didn't have to. And I gave you an ugly watch."
"Princess this is perfect. And I love what it says. That's very clever." He smiles. "Do you really like it?"
"Do I love you?"
"Then of course I like it. This is the best Valentine's Day ever."

"My mom would love to see if you can join us for this thanksgiving." Brandon smiles, while driving. "I would love too." You cheered. "I hear a but coming on."
"I promised my brothers/sisters that I would spend time with them."
"Great they can come." You look at him confused. "Really?"
"Totally. I think they will enjoy it." You grin at him.

4th of July
"Did you bring the firecrackers?" You asked Edwin. "Yeah. I have everything. Don't worry babe." He pulls you closer while you waited for the cashier to check in your things. "Do we have s'mores?" Edwin nodded. "Do we have the little fire wands that sparkle?" Edwin then kissed you so you could shut up. "Babe."
"I know. I know. You got everything." You sigh. As they were finally done you walked outside getting everything in the car. "Damn it!"
"What did you forget? I thought you said you had everything."
"I do. I forgot to tell you I love you, and the Fourth of July."
You exhale in relief. "I love you too. And don't scare me like that."

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