he asks you out ♡ NICK

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You were cooking dinner for the boys as they were on their way back from their workout. So you knew that they may be hungry. You decided to make something different. You didn't know if they liked soul food but you thought everyone liked it. So you began to make your momma's recipe, turned on Rihanna "No Love Allowed." (If you don't know that song, listen to it!!!). You were dancing and blasting the music out loud and didn't hear the door open. You were swaying your hips around and turning in circles. Once you faced the front door you looked at Nick staring at you in lust, Zion looking away shocked, Austin laughing because he knew one day he was going to see you doing this. Brandon and Edwin couldn't even think because they were  staring at you. You stopped dancing and turned off the music.
"Umm, I didn't expect you guys for another hour." You managed to get out of your throat. "Y-Yeah, there was no traffic." Nick laughed. "Food is almost ready." You smiled. You looked away and finished with the food while the boys went and got in the shower and dressed. While they were doing that you went on your twitter and saw people posting things on your timeline. There was one on Zion saying "something things are not wanting to be seen, yet this thing was actually good." You laughed out loud laughing at it. Then it was Edwin.
"Umm....👀." Was all he tweeted. You rolled your eyes, laughing quietly.
"Worked up a sweat today guys 😅. Goodnight." You shook your head at Austin's tweet. And then spotted Nick tweeting, "about to do something so scary." You then raised an eyebrow. Suddenly the door opened and Nick came out. He closed his door and looked at you. You both had a minute of silence until he walked up to you and kissed you while you were sitting down. You kissed him back as he picked you up and laid you on the couch. Suddenly he was raising your hands above your head and you smelled something.
"Wait. Something is burning." He popped up and went to the kitchen with you and the boys running behind you.
"(Y/N)!" Nick yelled. He took the plate and burned his hand. "Sorry!" You yelled.
After you guys called in a pizza, you put some ointment on Nick's hand.
"sorry about the food." You whispered.
"It's okay."
"Why did you kiss me?" You asked. "Because, I wanted to ask you something?" "What?"
"Will you go out with me?" He smiled.
"Are you only asking because I was swaying my hips and cook, and fixing your hand?" "No, because I've been wanting to ask you." "Then why did you say that you were about to do something scary?"
"Because I didn't know if you were going to say yes or no."
"Well you could have still asked." You joked. He buckled under his breath.
"Is that a yes?" You stopped and looked at him.

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