going public ♡

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"This is the time to tell you all the truth. I haven't been completely honest with you guys and I only didn't was because I was afraid of the negativity. But I'm just gonna show that it can't bring me down. I'm in love. With the most beautiful person in the world. Not by only features but by her soul. @(y/twitter/n) is the love of my life. And I'm making it public."

*instagram live*
He was jamming to music and reading what everyone was saying. "Hey guys! I did this life for something but I forgot." Suddenly you walk up to him and saw that he was on live. You tried running away but he called you. "Babe!" Everyone watching was so confused. "Are you ready?" He walks away from the camera.
"Yeah I am. Are you ready?" You ask back.
"I honestly can't wait for them to meet you."
He drags you to the camera and hugs you right. "This is (y/n) everyone. My girlfriend. Show her some love."

*he posted an Instagram picture of you and him*
I believe I'm finally ready to tell you who's been making me the happiest person in the world. (Y/n) has been with me for currently three months and I do believe it's time you finally met her. I kept our business to us because we didn't know how you were going to take it. But she truly makes me feel good about myself and I hope you guys can understand.

*public pictures of you two holding hands. He admits you were dating*
"The picture is true. I was going to tell you guys how I met this lovely lady and how she's been the best thing in my life. I wanted to show you her on my own time but you know people are nosey. That's my princess and she's an amazing girlfriend."

*he was at another interview*
"So are you in a relationship? We noticed everyone else was taken and you're the only one single."
"Actually I've been in a relationship for about a couple of months and I've never told anyone, but the guys. And so we kept the secret until she was ready to take on the publicity. But can we bring her out?"
"Of course." you suddenly walk out and wave to the camera.

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