late night conversations ♡

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"have I told you I loved you?"

"you tell me all the time. especially when we're going to sleep."

"because I don't want to not say it and wake up seeing you not there."

"I'll always be here."

"then you love me?"

"I will always love you."

"did you eat all the ice cream?"

"please don't tell me that was yours or someone else's. I didn't mean to eat it all, I swear. I was stress eating because you came home late and I didn't get to see at all today."

"babe it's totally fine. I mean yeah I might've wanted some but it's fine. It was yours anyway."

"Okay good because it was really good."
"(your favorite/icecream/flavor), right?"

"How'd you know?" He wipes the excess off your lip and kiss you. whole tongue. "wild guess."

"you're so beautiful."

"thank you."

"you so fine." he bites his lip.

"thank you Z."

"you're so cute." he smiles pinching your cheeks gently.


"your so smart."

"Caleb, what's with all the compliments?"

"I just wanna boost my girl."

"thanks babe, you're making me blush."

"you're welcome babygirl."

"you're one competitive person."

"I have my perks."

"I can't even get through one game without you calling me all those mean names."

"It's how I win."

"By being mean?"


"Well those words hurt." He held his chest.

"Awe baby you want me to make it better." He pokes his lip out.


"Let me make it up to you."

"goodnight princess."

"goodnight babe. I love you."

"I love you too."

"I really do."

"I really do too."

"Do you really?" You joke.


"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure."

"Are you absolutely positive?"

"I'm absolutely positive."

"Are you absolutely sure you're positive?"


You laugh. "I'm joking. Go to bed babe."

"Thank you." He closes his eyes an then opens them, giving you a kiss. "I'm absolutely sure I'm positive."

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