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Alex POV

As I walked out past Damon, I lost the smirk I had managed as a blush demanded to take it's place over my cheeks. he was shirtless. see, thing about Damon shirtless is this: his skin is flawless, perfectly toned between pale and a light tan; his collarbones were clearly defined, making their places obvious to the eye,which was highly enticing; abs that weren't too visible like most guys prefer, you could generally only see them if you were actually looking (which is how I like guys)

he was all I could think about as I walked down the stair to his kitchen. shortly after, Damon came down with a black band tee on, and a cigarette between his lips.

"in or out?" he asked.

"in is fine."

and with that, he pulled a purple lighter out from his back pocket and sparked the flame up to the tip of his cigarette.

he had always asked if he could smoke inside or outside when I was around. I don't usually tell him to go outside unless I'm sick, which doesn't happen too often. (plus I don't want to stop him from smoking in his own house)

he exhaled the smoke, then walked over to me and kissed my cheek. "so what was all that about mister?"

"what was what all about?" i asked as i bashed my eyelashes at him. I knew exactly what he was talking about, but playing innocent never hurt anyone.

he rolled his eyes as he walked behind me, putting his hands on my waist, careful not to let his cigarette touch my arm.

"y'know..mister seductive back there." I could tell by the tone of his voice, he was smirking with a pinch of sarcasm. And at that, I smirked as well.

"what? I can't give a little loving gesture to my oh so sexy boyfriend?"

at this point he turned me around, pushing my hips to the counter as he kissed my lips; a way for him to be stubborn about the matter. it was a kiss that said you're the sexy one right now. Which I didn't agree with of corse, but with him is wasn't worth fighting because I've never won in this matter.

I kissed him back before he pulled back and chuckled, putting his cigarette between his lips once more before exhaling, telling me he was the victor.

In success, he walked away to the couch in the living room to sit down. he looked out the window for a moment, which made me wonder what was on his mind.

I pushed that thought aside as I opened the fridge, looking around for something my stomach would like this morning.

"I think we're running out of good stuff." I said, loud enough for him to hear me. (the kitchen directly connected to the living room; no walls. so I didn't have to raise my voice so much)

"good stuff as in?" he asked in return.

"as in like bacon and shit."

he took a drag off his cigarette, exhaling as he spoke

"we'll get some Friday when you come back. for now just have some cereal."

I let out a small pout. not only because I couldn't eat what I really wanted, but because that small reminder he gave of me having to go home tonight. I don't live with him; sadly I have to wait two more years for that. but it could be worse, so I try not to think about it too much.

I grabbed the milk from the fridge, then a box of Cocoa Puffs from the cupboard. Home.. home is where the heart is..not where your mind is tortured, I thought these words as I poured the cereal into a bowl I had gotten from another cupboard, then the milk as well. I grabbed a spoon and carefully carried the bowl to the island and sat down in one of the two stools. I took a bite before I kept thinking.

One day I won't have to go back to that day I can marry him and have a happy life..

I took a bite of my cereal before sighing. before I knew it, Damon came over and out his hands around my waist.

"I'm only a phone call away y'know." he said with a cute little smile. he must have finished his cigarette because it was missing it's place between his middle and pointer fingers.

I smiled slightly at his words, leaning my head onto his.

"I know..but you can't stop what they say or do.."

"I know I can't, but I can make it hurt a little less now can't I?"

of corse he could. He's always had that effect.

I nodded at his words, and with that, he took a seat next to me. As he did, he have his hair a flip to the side, revealing his hazel eyes to me.

I pushed the bowl between us as an offer to share, but he pushed it away slightly.

"You need it more than I do, boo"

I shrugged. I don't eat at 'my house', only when I'm with Damon, and before he came along I didn't really eat at all. I had ended up in the hospital maybe twice for it, but hey at least their food tastes better than my moms cooking. (plus they don't make fun of you for eating either. they're actually nice about it.)

I spooned some cereal out of the bowl, proceeding to eat the cereal.

I could feel one of those stupid blushy smiles creep onto my face.

that's when Damon looked at me with this questioning face that said What? What are you smiling at, hm?

It was the same thing I'm always smiling at around him. Him.

He knew what I was smiling at, but he wanted me to actually say it out loud this time.

"c'mon tell me" he said with a smirk.

"Noooo no, I think you already know, sir." I tried to keep my face hidden, I could feel the blush on my face becoming more vibrant for him to see.

He chuckled "Maybe I need to be reassured."

I rolled my eyes, then took another bite of cereal.

"..I'm smiling at you.." I mumbled

"What was that?" he asked

"I'm smiling at the thought of you." I said a bit louder.

He smirked in success, getting off of his stool and kissing me on my cheek. I smiled more, even giggled some.

That's when Damon's phone rang. he looked around for it until he found it.

"Who is it?" I asked

he took a moment, then ended the call without even answering it.

"No one, boo." he said with a smile, placing his phone in his pocket, "No one important."


D; I am so sorry for being super late on updating this. I had to delete the app for space for awhile. /).(\ i apologize if these beginning chapters are boring/real short. I promise it'll get better ^~^

I'll start updating as much as I can, loves.

if you want to contact me about anything, my social accounts are in the description. c:

love you guys

<3 ~ eli

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