VanCAT: Skype Call Meetup (Fluff)

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*Evan's Pov*
After I finished recording with Mini, Delirious, Smii7y and Panda I went in a Skype call with Wildcat who is a close friend of mine. When he got on he sounded upset again.

"What happened Tyler? Why are you crying?" I said.

"Kelly cheated on me again because she found out that I was Bisexual" Tyler sniffed.

"Shit what are you going to do with her?" I asked.

"I don't know" Tyler said.

"I think you should break up with her if she's doing this" I said. Tyler looked at me through his camera with teary eyes.

"But... I love her" Tyler sobbed.

"She isn't worth all this trouble if she's doing this sort of thing. The others would agree with me if they were here" Evan said. Tyler sighed and wiped his face.

"Ok I'll do it... Do you think I could visit you too after I do this?" Tyler asked.

"Sure you know where I live" I said.

"Thanks" Tyler said.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow" I said.

"Yeah" Tyler said. We hung up the Skype call and I sat at my computer thinking. So Tyler's Bi huh. That's unexpected. I smiled to myself and blushed a little.

*Tyler's Pov*
I logged out of Skype and sat in my chair for a little. Evan's right. I gotta break up with her if she doesn't even love me. I stood up and walked to the dining room to go and eat something until I heard the front door open. I looked to see Kelly with another guy as they made out. I cleared my throat to get Kelly's attention.

"What do you want?" Kelly said rudely.

"I need to talk to you in private" I said looking at the guy with a straight face.

"Who are you?" The guy said.

"He's no one! He's-" I cut Kelly off.

"I'm Kelly's boyfriend" I said. The guy widen his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?!" The guy said.

"Because I was cheating on him because he was bi!" Kelly said.

"Oh and you don't think I'm bi?" The guy said angrily. Kelly moves away from the guy in shock.

"Your Bi as well?" Kelly said.

"Yes! Now if you will excuse me I'm fucking leaving!" The guy said angrily storming out the door.

"No wait!" Kelly shouted but it was too late. The guy had already left. Kelly growled and looked at me then slapped me.

"Why would you say that?!" Kelly shouted.

"Because we are over. Now get out of my house" I said as calmly as possible.

"You can't kick me out" Kelly said.

"I can. I own this place you stupid bitch and if you don't get out soon I'll call the cops or drag you out myself!" I said sternly. Kelly growled and stomped upstairs and threw her stuff out the window. She came back down and she put her stuff in her car and drove off. Now to go to Evan's place. I thought. I grabbed my wallet and my car keys and I decided to bring Archie and Kino with me too. It was a long drive but I finally got to Evan's place. I knocked on the door and he opened it.

"Hey how did it go?" Evan said.

"Well good... But she was pissed when I kicked her out" I said. Archie and Kino ran into the house and I followed them in as Evan closed the door. He went upstairs and I followed him while Archie and Kino stayed downstairs. I followed him to his room and I sat down on his bed.

"So tell my everything that happened Tyler" Evan said.

"Well after the Skype call I decided to tell her and uh I went downstairs to eat something until she came into the house with another man. The guy didn't know who I was and Kelly went off at me because the guy was mad at her because she doesn't like bisexuals. I told her we were over and I kicked her out... So yeah that's what happened" I said.

"Well I'm glad you did it. She would've made you suffer more if you didn't break up with her" Evan said.

"Yeah I just don't know how I'm going to find someone as good as her" I said.

"Well take me for example. I would've not done that I would've made sure they were comfortable and safe in my hands and I would make sure they don't feel embarrassed around me at all..." As Evan kept talking I stared at him and blushed. Am I in love with Evan? It can't be possible because I wouldn't know if Evan was straight or something else... As he kept talking I ended up cutting him off by making him face me and connected my lips with his. I slightly felt him get used to the feeling and kiss back. He sat in my lap and wrapped his arms around my neck as we had a heated make out session. But needing air we pulled away and stared into eachothers eyes.

"I love you Evan" I said. Evan smiled and blushed.

"I love you too Tyler" Evan said. I'm so glad I met Evan. If I didn't I wouldn't know where I would be right now.
Waddup if y'all don't ship these two then skip OneShot But anyways hope y'all enjoyed this OneShot and peace out my Devils ✌🏻
Also if you want the reason for my absence for over a month and a bit read my tags book as I will be putting up an explanation for that! Sorry for the long ass wait! Word count: 949

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