2PH2OVanCat: Sexual Trio?(Smut)

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Requested by AWolfsJourney!

*Readers Pov*
Vanti and Delirium and their crew just came back from attacking the Banana Bus Crew's base, vandalising the entire place while they were away.

"Well done fellas. They'll arrive with a surprise in their house" Vanti said chuckling evilly. Delirium clapped as everyone went to do whatever they wanted. Delirium looked at Vanti and Vanti looked at him. Vanti smirked and grabbed Delirium, dragging him upstairs.

*Wildcat's Pov*
Everyone else was in the lounge room talking about something that concerned me.

"You guys heard?" Mini said.

"Heard about what?" Moo said taking a whiff of his cigar.

"Apparently Vanti and Delirium are fuck buddies" Mini said. I narrowed my eyes.

"Really?" Ohm said. Mini nodded.

"H-How would you know M-Mini?" I asked. Mini looked at me.

"At one point when I was heading to bed I heard Vanti moan out Delirium's name. Me being curious I looked through the crack of the door to see Delirium giving Vanti a blowjob" Mini said. I widen my eyes.

"Well isn't that interesting~" Moo cooed.

"Oh come on guys. We all know he's a slut" Nogla said.

"And he doesn't deny it eithier" Moo said.

"T-That can't be true! H-He's with me" I stuttered.

"It is Wildcat" Mini said. I looked at the table shaking a little.

"Not only that but we all know that Delirium is in love with Vanti as well" Mini said. I never knew this... I never knew any of this... I thought.

"Yeah exactly" Terroriser said. I all of a sudden hit my hand on the table. Hard. Everyone looked at me weirdly as I was usually the one to not show any signs of violence.

"S-Sorry. I'm gonna g-go" I said standing up. I could still feel their eyes on me as I left the room. I need to talk to him... I went to find Vanti when I found him and Delirium still standing near the door. I saw him smirk and pull Delirium upstairs. I widen my eyes. I-It can't be true... I closed my eyes tightly shaking my head in disbelief.

*Time Skip to next day*

*Readers Pov*
Wildcat tried to get as much of Vanti's attention as he could but it was difficult when Delirium and Vanti were discussing on what to do next if the BBS decide to get revenge. Wildcat was next to Vanti as he insisted that he listen. However Wildcat could feel Delirium's cold and deadly stare at him as he held onto Vanti. Once the discussion was over Wildcat gave Delirium a look of hurt and growled a little which surprised Delirium.

Vanti noticed this about Wildcat and found it strange. Once Delirium left Vanti faced Wildcat.

"What's wrong with you? You seem off" Vanti said. Wildcat didn't answer and instead stood up.

"Hey! I'm talking to you, Wildcat" Vanti growled. Vanti hated being ignored by his members.

"I'll tell you later" Wildcat said before walking out. Vanti was confused but knew that something was up with him. Vanti sighed in frustration. The hell is up with him? He's usually not this clingy and is usually shy. Vanti thought.

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